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  𝐓𝐖𝐎 weeks ago, you were sent an invitation for the Hero Commission's annual pro gala, celebrating the pros for all their hard work. Despite working for the commission, you've never gone to the gala. Only the higher ups and pros usually attended. But now that your hero work is all out in the open, you're going.

You weren't very excited for it. You don't like big parties when you don't have anyone you know coming with you. Well, you know Bakugou, but he's coming with Camie, so you're sure she'll keep him busy. You would invite Sakura, but she was at home with her one month year old, not ready to leave him for a night out yet.

"Miss, we're here." The cabbie announced, snapping you out of your thoughts.

You looked over your shoulder, staring at the scene in front of you. There was a red carpet, with numerous proheros walking down it and taking pictures, paparazzi everywhere. Yeah, this definitely wasn't your scene.

Taking a deep breath, you opened the door, stepping out of the car. Thankfully, a bigger pro was ahead of you, which the paparazzi crowded, and you managed to sneak past.

Somehow, you spotted Bakugou talking with a group of pros, Camie hanging off his arm like always. Might as well say Hi instead of just standing around alone.

"Hey guys." You greeted with a small smile. "Hi _____! You look great, doesn't she look great, babe?"

Camie instantly replied, flashing him a huge grin. Bakugou just nodded in response, staring at you. You fidgeted with your dress, feeling slightly nervous under his stare. You plastered on a smile, managing to keep yourself calm and collected. "You guys look amazing!"

Camie thanked you, and nudged Bakugou with her elbow, making him thank you as well. After a moment, he cleared his throat, and spoke. "_____, this is Deku and Uraraka, and Kirishima. Guys, this is _____. My aide."

"It's an honor to meet you all. Thank you for your service." You shook their hands. But before you could continue your conversation, you felt a finger tap your shoulder.

Looking over, you spotted Hawks standing before you. "Hey there."

A huge grin crossed your lips, and you wrapped your arms around him, hugging him tightly. You have to admit, you had missed him. "Oh my god! It's been too long."

He hugged you back, before letting you go, reminding you where you were. You cleared your throat, feeling all the pro's eyes on you. "We're old work friends." You explained.

"It's nice to see you kids too..Well, I guess I can't really call you guys that anymore, can I?" He joked. After some more small talk, you and the other heroes split up, leaving you and Hawks to catch up.

"So, you're working for Bakugou now? That must be something." He remarked as he handed you a glass of wine. "Yeah, it's been pretty good, actually. Just what I needed."

"Oh really? That's surprising. You both have strong personalities, after all. I would expect you two to be clashing all the time." His avian eyes narrowed with a mischievous look that you recognized all too well.

"We do get into it a little bit every now and then, but he's a great guy, and we work well together." You replied. He drummed his fingers against the table, as he took another sip from his drink.  There was a slow song playing, and some of the pros had taken to the floor to dance together, including Bakugou and Camie.

"Want to go dance?" He offered, and you grinned. "You read my mind."

You and him made your way over to the dance floor, and he wrapped an arm around the small of your back, and held your hand with the other. He held you close to him, swaying slowly.

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