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"𝐇𝐎𝐖 have things been with the Hero Commission, Kaachan?" Midoriya just had to ask. Bakugou winced, taking another sip
of wine.

Here he is, having dinner with Midoriya and his wife, Uraraka. At least once every couple of months, they eat together. While it's nice to catch up with his friends every now and then, it can be a pain. Especially since Camie demands they have dinner with his friends or hers every couple of weeks or so.

"They're fine now. They laid into me pretty thick with that stupid assistant drama. They assigned me a new one to pretty much babysit me, which is really fucking annoying, but she's not that bad." He admitted.

"Who is it?" Midoriya asked.

"________. She used to work in the field for the Commission. I have no idea what she did though. Just that it didn't involve working in an office. She's a pretty good assistant. She has a good work ethic, is pretty reliable, and is easy to talk to."

Bakugou gets confused when he noticed the way Midoriya's eyes narrow, his eyebrows furrowed, and his lips pressed in a thin line. It seemed like he recognized you.

Before, he could say anything though he was interrupted by Camie and Uraraka walking down the stairs, joining them.

"Okay, now she should be out like a light, no more waking her up," Uraraka said, speaking of their one-year-old daughter, that was having a hard time sleeping.

"God, I love babies. I can't wait until I have some of my own, someday." Camie gushed. Bakugou was too focused on Midoriya's concerned look to care about that remark.

"I don't know how excited you'll be when they're up at 3am crying all the time and destroying your figure." Uraraka joked as the two women joined them at the dinner table.

"Me and Midoriya are going to get more wine," Bakugou said. "I can go get it-"

"No, it's fine, you just got back from putting your kid to sleep. I'm sure you could use some relaxation." Bakugou stopped Uraraka, grabbing Deku and pulling him out of the dining room and into the kitchen.

"What were you going to say about ______?" Bakugou asked, his voice low so the women couldn't hear him. "What?"

Midoriya murmured, playing dumb. "When I mentioned ______, you got a weird look on your face. You know her, don't  you?"

"No, I don't. I've just- Being the number one, I'm pretty close with the commission, you know. And I've heard things about her. They aren't necessarily bad, but-"

"But what?" Bakugou pressed, interrupting his rambling.

"But they're kind of weird...There's this rumor of this underground agency that works for the Commission. They deal with the worst of the worst. Worse than villains...people the news can never know about. Horrible people. I heard ______ was a part of that agency, and she's- she's killed those people."

Now, Bakugou doesn't know you very well, but a murderer? He didn't think you had it in you. Now, you're kind and strong-willed, but you're also kind of...ditsy. Not that it's a bad thing, of course. He just didn't peg you as the type who'd have that killer instinct.

Then again, he supposes anyone could be capable of murder, and the Commission can be shady at times.

He feels shocked, but also guilty. He misjudged you, and he should know better than anyone to not judge a book by its cover. Seems like there's a to you than what meets the eye, and he can't help but want to uncover it.


"Good morning." You greeted Bakugou as he walked in. "I've got your schedule and everything for the day. Just let me know when you're ready."

It seems like you've finally settled in, seeming accustomed to everything. "Okay, I will, thanks."

As you went through his schedule, Bakugou studied you closely, hardly paying attention. He was too focused on studying your features and mannerisms, wondering what he missed.

"Uhm, Bakugou? You there?" You asked, after catching him staring at you for the third time, not saying a word. He's acting weird today.

"Yeah, I am. Can you just go over it one more time?" You smiled. "Sure."

When he walked into the break room to grab some coffee, he found you already standing there, waiting for the coffee maker to pour some into your mug. You flashed him a small smile, before turning back to the machine and away from him.

He took the opportunity to get a better look at you without you noticing. He studied your features, trying to focus on the small details rather than your overall appearance. Which, he'll admit...you look good.

Especially considering how your clothes hugged your curves nicely, including the pencil skirt you have on-

What the hell? He's engaged. He shouldn't be thinking things like that about a woman he barely knows, especially not his assistant...It's fine. It's probably just an intrusive thought or whatever.

Feeling a wave of guilt and shame overcome him at his thoughts, Bakugou looked away from you. But just before he could, he noticed something. A small tattoo on the back of your neck.

力- The Japanese Character "Power"

Bakugou said nothing, just took in his new observation, and left.


After a long but successful patrol, Bakugou found you yet again, leaning against the building and smoking a cigarette. Another surprise.

"You smoke?" He asked, making you realize his presence. Almost immediately, you fixed yourself up, adjusting your posture, and flashing him a small, nervous, smile.

"Yeah, but I've been trying to quit." You admitted, seeming shameful of your habit. He didn't say a word, just watched as you put out your cigarette and tossed it into the trash.

When you turned back to Bakugou, you noticed he still hadn't left and was just standing there, staring at you. "Would you like to walk inside with me?"

"Uh, sure." He nodded, snapping out of his little daze. The two of you walked back into the building together once again.

Bakugou has much more to learn about you.


A/N: Seems like our dear reader has a lot of secrets....

Thanks for reading!

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