Chapter 41

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I stand staring at Lou as she looks at me, her eyes glance down to her feet. Her fingers still playing with her rings on her other fingers. I reach for her hand but she stands up and walks away from me. 

"Lou please..." I plea with her.

she stands with her back to me "I need to get out of here"

"We can go anywhere, anywhere you want"

she turns to face me "I need space..."

She attemps to walk past me but I grab her arm tight "Dont go, please...we need to talk about this"

"remove your hand" she snaps.

my hand releases and she walks out of the office, I hear her bike reving down the street as I stand with my head in my hands. I sit on the lone seat in the office for about an hour before someone knocks at the door. Theres a gently hello as i wipe the tears from my cheeks.

"everything okay?" Debbie asks.

I nod, trying to stop the tears from falling from my eyes, Debbie pulls my head into her chest and she kisses the top of my head. Her head starts to softly rub my back. "I have lost her" Tears escape my eyelids. 

"No you have't, just give her a little time...she's in shock"

"I wanted to tell her after this, once I had got my own head around it" I cry out.

"I know baby...I know" Debbie wipes my tears from my cheeks "I think you should go home, take a bath and try to relax"

I nod in agreement "wheres Jess?"

"Shes down the stairs waiting for you, I've spoke to Lou and she's okay...she just needs time" her fingers run through my hair.


I walk out the office and Debbie follows, a hand gently on my back. I see Jess at the bottom of the stairs waiting for me. She holds my hand and leads me out to a cab thats waiting for us. I relax my head on her shoulder as the taxi drives through the city. The city lights hitting off my tear stained cheeks. We arrive back, feeling dissapointed that Lou's bike isn't sitting outside waiting for me. Jess unlocks the door and I make my way straight to my bedroom and shut the door.

"Do you want some tea?" Jess gently knocks on the door.

I dont answer her so she comes in, she sits next to me.

"Don't ignore me" She says, the smell of acohol from her breath swirling around the room "Did you tell Lou you took the job?" She asks, hesitantly. 

"I never got a chance" I stare at my hands "I asked her to come with me but she left..."

"Do you think she will go with you?"

I shrug my shoulders.

"Well...I'm going to run you a bath and make you a cup of tea...okay?"

I nod.

Jess gets up and walks to the bathroom to run me a bath. I look over at my dressor and see a picture of me and Lou that we took in central park. I walk over to it and lift it up, tears falling from my eyes hit the glass covering the picture. I take a quick glance at where Jess is, I grab my coat and quickly slip out of the front door. I run down the stairs, almost falling out of the main door. I walk swiftly up the street, I wave down a taxi thats passing. My phone vibrates "Where the hell are you going?!" Jess texts me, I put my phone on do not disturb.

"Where do you want to go?" The taxi drivers asks me, looking at me in the rearview mirror.

"Just drop me in Lower Manhattan please"

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Sep 06, 2023 ⏰

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