chapter 16

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I'm on my way to the bus stop, I'm running late for Uni but it's okay, I woke up to the sight of ocean eyes staring straight at me and strong arms holding me tight. Nothing can ruin my day. My tutor isn't happy that I'm late. He let's us all know there will be no classes tomorrow, they are shutting the Uni early because there's a leaking roof. That's a reliefe for me. My mom has texted me none stop about how excited she is to see me, we haven't seen each other in about 3months.

Me and my mom have always been close. It was always me, my grandmother and mom against the world. They are originally from South Alabama so they both have strong southern accents. I fortunately don't have a strong one since we moved to Ohio when I was young. I'm seeing them both in three days.

I'm meeting Jess, Beth and Gemma for drinks after Uni to celebrate the end of term. We are getting something to eat before we head to a bar. I constantly check the time on my watch. The minutes feel like they are going by like hours. We are asked to write about someone we care about a lot that we wish we could say to them, Lou comes to my mind instantly.

"I don't know what it is about you, maybe it's the way nothing else matters when we are together. Or maybe how you make me smile more than anyone else has. It's maybe the way you always know the right thing to say at the right time, whatever it is I want you to know that it means the world to me"

I rip the page out of my book I fold the page and stuff it in my pocket. Its finally time to leave, my tutor stops me and asks if he can have a word. Feeling worried I stand and wait for everyone to exit the room.

"Don't look so worried Gwen" he chuckles "I just wanted to say that piece you done on Lou Miller was excellent, it really was"

I smile "thank you so much, it means a lot"

"Have a nice summer, I'll see you in the fall"

"You too, goodbye"

I skip out of the lecturer room feeling pleased with myself.

I'm met by my three friends and we head back to me and Jesse's apartment to get ready, they brought a change of cloths and makeup to Uni to get ready at ours. They will also stay the night since they both live outside the city. Jess managed to grab some bottles of wine yesterday for us, we all help ourself to glasses. Bad habits by Ed sheeran plays on the Alexa while we get ready.

"Remember we have reservations for 7pm" Jess shouts over the music.

"We know" I reply

"Hurry up then, we need to go in 5minutes" I stumble out my room while trying to put one of my shoes on "I'm ready"

Jess laughs at me "are you two ready?"

"Yeah" they come walking out while downing a glass of wine each.

We manage to get a cab pretty quick and arrive at the restaurant. They sit us in a comfy booth, the waiter brings over a bottle of wine of our choice and takes our orders.

"So who is trying to get laid tonight?" Beth asks with a grin on her face

"Not Gwen, she's already got a hot girlfriend" Gemma laughs

I almost choke on my wine "she's hot yes but she's not my girlfriend"

"Not yet" Jess makes everyone laugh "I've heard you both at night, no one has ever made you moan out like that" she takes a drink of her wine "don't let that go"

"Thanks Jess, just announce that to the resturant" I say as I look around to see if anyone else is paying attention.

"Let's change the subject, cheers to end of term" Beth raises a glass

Miss MillerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora