chapter 33

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I look into the darkness of Lou's soft hands which are covering my eyes as she's pushing her body against me from behind.

"Where are you taking me?" I ask Lou.

She laughs "its a surprise"

I feel the cold autumn air blowing over my face, I hear the chaotic noise coming from the streets of New York in the distance. As I take a phew more steps forward I hear the faint melody of my favourite song and the smell of delicious food in the air.

"Phew more steps sweetheart" she whispers softly in my ear.

She uncovers my eyes to reveal fairy lights decorated over a roof top with a small fire burning inbetween two comfy looking sofas, a table set up with two plates of food. I turn around to face her, I wrap my arms around her body. Her hand resting gently on the back of my head forcing me to relax my head on her chest.

"Do you like it?" She asks

"I love it...thank you"

I pull away to look more closely at what she's done for me. She pulls a seat out for me.

"Thank you Lou"

She takes a seat opposite me, she uncovers the food on the table.

"I hope you like, I had an amazing chefe make this up for us"

My eyes widen as I take my first bite "it's amazing, I can't believe you've done all this...its perfect" I reach my hand over the table to hold hers.

"You deserve it sweetheart" she squeezes my hand before letting it go.

We finish eating and make our selfs comfy on one of the sofas infront of the fire. I lay my head on her chest as her arm relaxes over me.

"Are you happy?" She asks me.

I sit up to look at her "I've never been happier"

Her hand runs through my hair "me too, I know you've had a lot of upset in your life" she pauses "I don't want to cause you anymore pain than what has already been done to you"

I rub my hand up and down her thighs "you don't, you mean everything to me...I can't believe how lucky I am to have someone like you in my life"

She smirks "you think you're lucky? You have no idea" she takes both my hands in hers "I love how small your hands are, cute" she looks into my eyes "I got you something"

She reaches down under the sofa and pulls out a small bag. I open it up to find a small box, I open it to discover a ring.

"I want you to be mine, I want to be yours...I thought I could get you this to show how much you meant to me, how much I want you"

"My gosh, lou this is beautiful...this is to much, this must have cost a fortune"

She rolls her eyes "Oh shush, put it on...see if it fits"

I slide the ring on my right middle finger "it fits perfect" I lean forward to kiss her.

"So does this mean you'll be my girlfriend?" Her eyes search for mine as I stare down at the ring she has just gave me.

I look up at her "Yes, I've waited so long for you" our fingers intertwine with each others, I look into her ocean blue eyes that are glistening in the light.

She pops a bottle of chapange open and pours us both a glass. We toast to ourselves. I lay inbetween Lou's legs with my head resting on her stomach staring at the skye as she plays with my hair. My hands trace up and down her thighs.

"I wish i could see the stars, they always look so magical...back where I come from you can see thousands, staring back down at you...have you ever seen a shooting star?" I ask her.

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