chapter 15

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I'm wakened by my phone buzzing on my bedside table. It's my mom. I've not called her in a couple of weeks so she'll be worried.

"Hello mom"

"Hello starnger, everything okay? I've not heard from you...your grandma is also worried"

"I'm sorry, I've just had a lot of work at Uni. Are you both okay?"

"Of course, how is the assignments going?"

"They are fine, a bit hectic because the end of term is coming but it's okay"

"Okay, remember I'm expecting you for a week in summer"

"I know mom, I'll be home"

"I love you baby, speak soon"

"Love you too mom"

I hang up the phone, rubbing my eyes to try help me wake up. Its only 8am. I have class at 12. Only three more days to go until I'm finished for summer. I also only have three days to decide if I'm going away with Lou. I can hear Jess fumbling around in the kitchen. She's like a wrecking ball sometimes.

I walk out of my room to see Jess making breakfast.

"Are you hungry? I've made you some"

"Thank you, I need to talk to you about something"

She looks at me with a worried look on her face. We sit down in the living room while eating breakfast.

"You know the other night when me and Lou came back here after the party"

She rolls her eyes "of course, you both aren't very discreet"

I laugh "Sorry" I take a mouthful of food "she asked me to go away with her this summer"

She looks exited "to where"

"California, what do you think?"

"I think that's amazing, whats the problem?"

"I don't know, I feel hesistant..."

"I think you should do it, go and enjoy deserve it, I'm sure she'll look after you"

I smile "I don't need anyone to look after me Jess" I take another mouthful of food "I'm meant to be going back home for a week in summer"

"I know you don't, Go home before you go with Lou"

"Maybe" I finish my food.

I take my empty plate through to the kitchen and wash it. I look at my phone, I have a text from Lou.

"Have you had any thoughts about California? X"

"You'll have to wait and see x"

"I'll see you after Uni sweetheart x"

I quickly get ready for Uni, I stop for a coffee on the way. The same coffee shop me and Lou had been at previously. I have three classes today, each of them almost 2 hours long. I start to count down the hours until I get to see Lou. I try to imagine us in Califnoria together, how exciting it will be to be with her...just me and her. I end up having lunch with Beth today, we go to the local bagle shop and get one each. We eat them on the way back to our classes.

"How have you been?" I ask her

"Im good, how are you?"

"Yeah I'm good too" I smile at her

"How are you and Lou getting on?" She takes a bite of her bagle

"There's no me and Lou, we are just friends...shes asked me to go away with her this summer"

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