chapter 13

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It's the morning of the party, the morning after I walked out on Lou at the restaurant. I watch as the water boils in the pot on the stove, I pour it into a cup along with a tea bag. I sit at the window in the living room and watch as everyone passes by on the street below. I haven't heard from Lou since last night when she texted me apologising, I never replied to her message.

I also got a text from Debbie telling me she's looking forward to see me tonight. I did text Gemma last night to ask if she wanted to come to the party. She agreed, she seems excited for it. Jess is dissapointed she can't make it but she's excited for me to spend time with Gemma. The party starts at 7pm. I am free all day so me and Jess get our nails done before she has to go to work.

"How do you feel about tonight?" Jess asks

"I'm nervous, I don't know how I'll feel seeing Lou with another woman" I look down at my nails being painted.

"If you think it'll be hard then don't go, go somewhere else with Gemma"

"Debbie and the others are looking forward to me being there and I'm looking forward to seeing them"

"Fair enough, you know I'm only a call away if you need me"

"Thank you Jess"

We both smile at each other.

"Anyway, she doesn't deserve someone as caring and as kind as you anyway if that's the way she's going to are an amazing person you know"

I gently nudge into her "enough" we both laugh.

It's 5pm, I start to get ready. I decide to wear a navy coloured silk dress, spaghetti straps. It rests just above my knees. I decide to wear no underwear as the dress is so thin you can see underwear lines through it. I keep my makeup minimal and my hair in beach waves. Necklaces drape down my chest and bracelets wrapped around my wrists.

I asked Gemma to come to mine first so we can have a couple of drinks before we go. I need them for the anxiety I am feeling. She arrives around 6:15pm. We have a couple of shots of tequela and a glass of wine each.

"I'm really glad you invited me tonight" she moves in closer to me

"Me too" my hand rests on the kitchen unit, she brushes her hand over mine.

"So how do you know these woman?"

"I interviewed one of them for an article I was doing for Uni then we became good friends"

"Lou Miller wasn't it?"

"Yeah, Lou fucking Miller" I take another shot

"I've been to a phew of her clubs, they are great...I look forward to meeting her"

I don't say anymore about her.

"Shall we head there, we need to be there in twenty minutes"

"Let's go" she quickly downs the rest of the wine that's in the glass.

I grab my clutch bag and head out the door. We manage to get a cab quicker than I thought we would. We arrive half an hour late. We ended up stopping to grab chewing gum. The main door is already open. We can hear the music from outside. We make our way inside to be greeted by Debbie.

She shouts over the music "Hello! Its great to see you, the bar is over there" she points to a corner of the room "help your selfs to anything, you look stunning" she steps back to take a better look me "that figure is so to die for, I love it" she winks at me before she wonders off to greet other guests.

Me and Gemma make our way over to the bar, my eyes searching for Lou through the sea of people.

"Two glasses of red wine please" I say to the barman

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