chapter 34

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I'm on my way to meet the group, Debbie is going over the final plan for this job. I'm unsure if she's told Lou that Im part of it, I've not heard from Lou in a couple of hours so I'm guessing she hasn't got a clue which makes me more nervous about the situation. I don't understand why she didn't want me to tell her, the reason must be a good one because I know she wouldn't want to lie to her.

I arrive at the front door, I push it open to hear music and laughter. I see Lou in the kitchen carrying a bottle of wine. She turns around and her eyes light up as they meet mine.

"What a lovely surprise" she says as she hurrys over to me to take me in her arms, her lips meeting mine "would you like a glass of wine?" She asks.

"Please" I smile at her.

"So what brings you here, I thought I was picking you up?" She asks.

"Have you not spoke to Debbie?" I ask, hesitantly.

I see her eyes piecing everything together "are you part of this job" her eyes squinting at me.

I look down at the floor nervously "I thought she would have spoke to you before I got here"

I hear Debbie's heels clapping on the floor as she comes walking over "Hey kid, everything okay"

I look at her confused "I thought you would have told her" my eyes shifting from Debbie to Lou.

"I can't believe this" Lou says, I can hear the anger in her voice.

"Lou can I speak to you please?" Debbie asks Lou.

"No, I don't want to hear it..."

Lou shakes her head at both of us before walking out the door, I'm quick to follow her. Debbie tries to grab my arm as I walk away but I pull away.

"Lou!" "Lou!" I shout as she continues to walk away from me.

I shout on her one more time, she quickly spins around to face me...finger pointing at me "I can't believe you kept this from me" her tone sharp.

"Debbie thought it was for the best-"

She nods her head "of course she did" she raises her voice "why the fuck did you keep this from you understand how serious this is, how dangerous this is...I can't believe she would put you in this situation"

"She never put me in any situation, I wanted to do this"

"Well what a fool you are, I thought you were smart Gwen! I just can't believe you have lied to know you can go to jail if this goes south...I don't want you to have to worry about things like that" she runs her hand through her hair and crackles her knuckles.

She continues to shout at me and say the most hurtful things, I suddenly feel numb and tears fill my eyes "please stop shouting" I say quietly. I'm suddenly eight years old again stood in my kitchen as my father screams at me about something that's not my fault before he comes pounding towards me, the emotions hitting me like a truck doing 100.

"You want me to-" she turns to face me and realises I have tears filling up my eyes, her eyes suddenly soften as she walks towards me "Come here, I'm sorry gwen"

Her hands reach out to hold mine but I flinch at her touch, pulling them away. Tears roll down my cheeks.

"Hey...hey...I'm sorry angel, come here...I didn't mean to make you cry, baby don't cry because of me" Her eyes and tone of voice very gentle.

Her arms pull me into her body, her hand rests on the back of my head as my tears fall into her chest "I'm so sorry Lou, I didn't know...I didn't mean to make you mad" I barely get my sentance out because of how much I'm crying.

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