chapter 3

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My phone wakes me up, I don't look who's calling, I just answer.


"Hello? Who's this" I say

"It's your mother, obviously...I've not heard from you in a phew days...everything okay?" I can tell she sounds concerned.

"Yeah, sorry I've just woken up...what time is it" I quickly look at the time "it's 8am...why are you calling?" I say as I rub my eyes

"Because I was worried, are you sure you are okay"

"Yeah I'm fine" I start to yawn "I will phone you later...when I'm actually awake"

"Okay, bye"

"Bye mom" I hang up the phone and drop it on the empty side of my double bed, remdning me that i'm single. I try to get some more sleep but I can't fall back asleep again, I am to awake. I decide to get up and go in the shower. I let the warm water run down my face. I think of Lou, I think about what she's doing right now...probably not thinking of me.

I leave my room once I'm dried and make myself some breakfast. I hear Jess rustling around in her room. I hear loud footsteps, to my surprise a guy falls out of her room. Half dressed. They are both laughing. I role my eyes and continue making my breakfast.

"Oh goodmorning Gwen, this is Andrew" Jess laughs quietly

He raises his hand and gives a slight wave "morning"

"Morning" I say hesitantly

"I'll call you" he quickly leaves after giving Jess a kiss.

Jess comes over and leans over the counter "he's so handsome isn't he"

"Yeah he is, where did you meet him" I raise an eye brow

"Don't look at me like that" she swipes my arm gently "I met him at the bar last night, you should come next will love it...loosen yourself up a bit" she quickly grabs a bit of my toast and hurrys away to her room. I make my way to the living room to sit on the comfy sofa, I wrap some blankets around my body and switch the TV on. Theres nothing exciting on. I'm only reminded that it's Sunday and I have Uni early tomorrow.

I finish my breakfast and wash my plate. I let Jess know I'm going out shopping before I leave. I need to get some new cloths. I have lost some weight so my cloths don't fit as well as they should. I stop to grab coffee from a local shop. I decide to sit in, I put my ear phones in and enjoy watching people walking past minding there own business.

I'm caught off guard when a familiar hand reaches out to my shoulder from behind. It's Lou, she is towring over me with a big grin on her face.

"You really are everywhere aren't you" I say as I look up at her. She walks around the table I'm sat at and sits on the empty chair opposite me.

"You clearly can't keep away Miss Smith" she raises an eyebrow while smirking

"Clearly, I'm just about to go was nice seeing you" I say as I start getting my things together

"So soon, not going to stay and have a coffee with me" she pouts her bottom lip out

"I guess I could, what are you having...I will order it" I start to get my purse out to get money

"Nonsense, this is on me...I'll be a minute"

I watch as this gorgeous blonde woman walks over to the counter to order us coffee, I see other people looking at her. How could they not? She's unreal. It takes a couple of minutes to get the coffee, she walks back with two coffees and a cookie in hand.

"Here" she hands me the cookie "I know you're sweet enough but you can never be too sweet"

I smile at her comment as I lift the coffee cup to my lips. We stare at each other over coffee mugs. There's a phew minutes of silence before she makes conversation.

"So where are you from?" She asks

"I'm from Ohio, what about you?" I take another sip of coffee

"I'm from Austrailia but I've lived here for over ten years"

"Ah, I thought I heard another accent in there"

"It's fading out now" she smiles at me "Did you move here for Uni"

I nod "it's where I wanted to go"

"It's a great place"

There was another phew minutes of silence.

"Why did you agree to a photoshoot, I've heard you never agree to anything like that" I tare the cookie in half "here, have half" she takes it.

"For you" she replys while eating the cookie, using her hand to cover her mouth. The comment makes me smile.

"For me..." I smile and look down at my coffee cup

"Yeah..." I can feel her staring at me, the same burning feeling that always comes when she looks at me.

I feel myself getting red and hot so I try to make a quick exit "I better get going, thank you for the coffee and cookie" I stand up and start to walk away before hearing Lou shout over "I'll text you" I turn around and give her a smile before leaving.

As soon as I leave the coffee shop I feel my phone buzz in my pocket. Its Lou.
'Thanks for the company sweetheart, hope to see you soon. Lou x' I don't text back, I put my phone back in my pocket and carry on with my day. I visit a couple of clothing stores that I find some nice cloths. I would usually go to thrift stores but I don't have much time for that today. Lou hasn't left my mind all day, every time I try not to think about her...she is all that comes to my mind.

I arrive back home by 4pm where I find Jess cooking dinner in the kitchen. She's making pasta. She turns her head to look at me while she continues to stir the pasta in the pot.

"There's a delivery for you...its in the living room"

I'm slightly confused as I haven't ordered anything. It's a new laptop, there's a note attached to it 'I remember you mentioned about your laptop running slow, here's a new one...I hope you like. Lou x' my heart melted slightly at her kindness.

"Jess! Come through" she walks through to meet my eyes in the living room "it's from Lou, she sent me a new laptop"

Jess raises her eyebrows "wow...wish I had someone to do that for me"

I shake my head "I can't except this, its to I send it back"

"Hell no! You text her to say thank you"

I get my phone out to send Lou a text 'thank you for the laptop, you really didn't have to...also thank you for earlier, it was great seeing you. Gwen x' I get a text back immediately 'I know I didn't have to, I wanted to...I hope to see you soon. Lou x' she makes me smile.

"Is that a smile! I know you like her...can't you just admit it already" jess laughs

"Okay...okay...I like her, I've never liked a woman before. It's all new for me...she has a reputation though so I'm hesistant"

"Pfftt who doesn't, my advise...go for it"

I pause and think to myself "hmm...maybe"

I decide to help Jess Cook dinner, we dance around the kitchen to 'teenage dream' by Katy Perry that's playing through the Alexa. A cheesy one but a good one.


Thank you so much for reading! Sorry there's not much of Lou in this one. More to come! 💛

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