chapter 18

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My nerves start to kick in as time gets closer to the party. Lou wears a maroon suit, she looks stunning. I wear an emerald green silk dress. Everyone is meeting us there, it's been held at a small bar in town. She tells me how beautiful I am as we make our way there, Lou had hired a Mercedes for the time she is here, we all get in her car.

We arrive early because my mom wanted to set some stuff up before everyone arrives. Lou takes a good look around inside.

"I like it" she nods her head

I smile at her.

I sit down at one of the tables and rock my leg bag and forth, she comes over and sits next to me.

She places a hand on my leg to stop it from rocking "why are you so nervous honey?"

"Because I know who's coming, I never thought I would need to socialise with this person again"

"What person?" She asks

Suddenly a bunch of people walk in.

"Hello!" They all shout over to us

One of them being my ex boyfriend Liam, we were together for three years. It didn't end well and I never thought I would need to speak to him again but here I am, standing face to face with him.

I quickly stand up to greet everyone. Liam's eyes meet mine as I walk over to the group. I quickly look away.

"Hello stranger" he pulls me in for a hug "how have you been? How's New York treating you?"

I laugh "im fine and New York is amazing" I smile up at him

He smiles back "good, you deserve it"

Suddenly I feel a hand wrapping around my shoulder and a warm body come up the side of me "going to introduce me honey"

"Yeah sorry, Lou this is Liam...Liam this is Lou"

She reaches out to shake his hand, he takes her hand in his. I see she's gripping tighter than usual and has a look in her eyes I don't recognise. I break the awkward silence by asking Lou to help me get everyone drinks.

"Who was that?" She asks, interested.

"Thats Liam, he's an ex...he's the one I was nervous about coming"

"I thought so...Why are you nervous, do you still like him?" She frowns slightly


Everyone looks over at us.

"He just really hurt me, I was worried I would feel that all over again once I seen his face" I whisper

"Do you?"

"No, I can relax now"

We get a tray full of beer for everyone. Country music plays on the speakers. Me and Lou sit together, her hand resting on the back of my chair and the other holding my hand, playing gently with my fingers. I keep noticing Liam looking over at us. I know Lou keeps seeing him too. He starts to walk over.

"Can we talk outside for a minute" his eyes look worried.

"Sure" as I get out of my seat Lou pulls my face to hers and kisses my lips...everyone stops to look at us. A smile grows quick on my face. She winks at me as my eyes leave hers to go outside.

We walk outside, the cool breeze hits my cheeks and blows my hair out of my face.

"Listen" he tries to take my hand, I flinch at the feeling. It takes him by surprise "I wanted to apologise to you, for hurting you like I did" he clears his throat "you didn't deserve any of that"

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