chapter 10

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It's 2pm. I'm stuck at Uni with another 3 lectures on the way. Thursday afternoons are always the most boring. I look up at the clock which i swear makes time stand still sometimes. I'm not at Uni tomorrow which I'm looking forward to but I am working, Only 4hours though. As I'm sitting in my lesson and my lecturer is talking about different types of poems I think of Lou. How she made me feel last week. No one has ever touched me like that before. I've never had that much passion from someone.

I'm brought out of my thoughts by my classmate Beth. She nudges my arm.

"He's going to notice you day dreaming" she whispers to me

I lift my head from my hands and take my pencil.

"Thank you" we both smirk at each other.

"Me and Jess are grabbing drinks after this, if you want to join? She's also friends with Jess.

"Yeah sounds good"

The hours pass by slowly but finally it's 5pm and we are all somewhat free for a phew days. We don't bother changing before we go out. I don't bother asking where we are going either. We stop for something to eat quickly before hitting a nightclub at 8pm. I show my ID at the front door before entering. The music is bouncing off the walls then to my ears. They both grab a table thats free while I grab us drinks. We all get vodka and cokes with a couple of shots each. I take the tray back to the table. We all laugh together and take shots.

"This vodka is a bit weak...dont you think?" My face not looking very satisfied

They both look down laughing.

"What's so funny?"

They point to behind me. I turn around to see Lou.

"Not strong enough for you honey?"

Without realising I have walked into Lou's main nightclub. I gulp.

"Sorry, I must be able to handle it more than I thought" I try to laugh the embarassment off.

She raises an eyebrow "I have something stronger in my office if you like"

She has her hands on my shoulders as I look at the others and tell them I won't be long. I follow Lou up to her office, admiring her as she's walking up the stairs. She opens the door for me to enter. She gestures for me to take a seat on her leather sofa.

She walks over to her little mini bar and turns quickly to face me with her hands in her back pockets.

"What can I get you?"

"What's on offer"

She turns to look at her mini bar again "Well...I have vodka...whisky...tequila"


"Not even a please?" She raises her eyebrows at me

"Please" I smile innocently

Her face relaxes and she pours me a shot of tequila.

"Don't be getting leg less tonight, I'm happy to rescue you again...I just know how awful you felt the next day" she laughs quietly

"Very funny" I take the shot out of her hand.

"You not having any?"

"I don't drink much"

She sits down next to me, placing an arm around my back.

"I've been thinking of you a lot lately" I say to her while staring at the empty shot glass.

"I like the sound of that" she leans back on the sofa. I lean back with her. She kisses my head.

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