Hello Miss Miller

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t's 9am in New York City.
I am running late for my meeting with Miss Miller that my toutur set up for me. Miss Miller owns a number of very popular nightclubs in NY, I thought she would be a great pick to wright about for my assignment. It's a wonderful June morning, the warm breeze blows through my hair tangling it up in the process. As I get off the bus I drop my bag and my papers fall out all over the pavement, a very kind man helps me pick them up as I scurry to the floor collecting all the paper in my small hands.

"Thank you" I say with a smile "I'm so clumsy"

"We are all a little clumsy sometimes" he replies while clearing his throat "here" He hands me back my papers and gives me a smile before walking off 'what a nice person' I think to myself before turning around to continue rushing to my meeting. I glance down at my watch. It's 9:05am. "Shit" I whisper to myself. I was supposed to be there five minutes ago. Finally I arrive at the nightclub I was told to meet her at, hopeing she will still want to talk to me. I make my way inside to find a receptionist at the front desk.

"Hello, how can I help you"

"Hello, yes I have a meeting with Miss Miller. My name is Gwen Smith. I'm five minutes late...I'm so sorry" I say while brushing my hair out of my face.

"One minute please, take a seat" the lady gestures to the chairs that are sitting by the window.

I take out a small mirror from my bag and see my hair is all over the place, I've never looked so wind swept, I quickly fix it with my fingers the best I can. My mascara has ran a little aswell, I quickly wipe it away with a clean tissue I also found in my bag.

"Excuse me, Miss Miller will see you now...follow me" the woman gets up off her seat and makes her way to the elevators, I follow behind. We arrive to the top floor. The elevator comes to a hault and the doors open wide, the lady gestures for me to leave the elevator. I step out and im greeted by a stunning blonde woman in a very fancy blue suit, her wrists covers in Jewels, along with her fingers. I suddenly feel very intimidated. She smirks at me.

"Hello Gwen...come through" I follow the blonde woman into an office where she pulls a seat out for me. "Sit, please" she says with a demanding tone in her voice. She stands in front of me while she leans on the desk behind her with her arms crossed "I don't have much time, I'm sorry I'm a busy woman" she shrugs her shoulders.

"Oh no don't apologise, I'm the one who is late" I look up at the woman, at quick glance her blue eyes are piercing into mine, it takes me by surprise. I break eye contact, clear my throat and look down at the paper I have questions on.

"When did you realise you wanted to be a business woman" I ask shyly like I'm not good enough to talk to this fabulous being.

"When I was in my teens, there's not enough business woman in this world"

"I get that, it's the same with writing" I laugh slightly. I look up to see the corner of her mouth smiling. I look back down at the paper again.

"What do-" She interupts

"What do I owe all my success to?" She laughs. She places a hand on my shoulder "I get asked these questions all the time, do you not have any better ones sweetheart" she takes a piece of gum and places it in her mouth "do you want some" she raises her eyebrows

"No thank you miss Miller"

"Please call me Lou" she says while walking away to sit on the sofa in her office. She takes a seat and leaves her legs spread, she leans her elbows on her knees, her hands relax together.

"I'm sorry, these aren't actually my questions...one of my friends was meant to be doing this for me but she bailed. I'm wasting your time...I will let you get on with your day" as I start packing away my things I feel her intense stair burning through me. She gets up and starts to slowly walk towards me, I take a gulp and stand up.

"Thank you for your time" I say as I start walking towards the elevator that is open, I step into and turn around to find Lou standing at the door "wait you don't need to go" her eyes burning holes into me.

"I'm sorry" I say once more before the door closes, breaking our eye contact once again. I walk quickly outside, the air suddenly feels cold on my face. I take a phew deep breaths. I can hear my heart beating after meeting that woman. I take my phone out and text my friend 'hey, on my way home' I manage to wave down a taxi that is passing by, I give them my address. I get back to my apartment to find my room mate Jess still lying on the couch.

"Still feeling rough" I joke

"Yes! How did it go" she asks

"Not very well, she's very intimidating"

"Well she does own the best nightclubs in New York remember, she has to be"

"I guess...are you hungry? I'm going to make some lunch"

"Lunch? What time is it" she is reaching for her phone on the coffee table "12pm!" "I'm fine thanks"

I make my way to the kitchen and start making myself a sandwich, she joins me.

"You look a little flushed" she says

I place the back of my hand on my forehead "yeah, I'm just feeling hot"

"Miller got you feeling like that has she" she jokes

"Course not" I say frowning, I finish making my sandwich but Jess steals one half of it "actually I am a bit hungry, thanks baby" I roll my eyes. I sit on the sofa in the living room after picking up my bag to look at my notes I took in rhe meeting with Lou. I look through my bag but can't find my papers "shit! I think I have left my notes with her" I look through the pieces of paper I did find "great! Not like there was anything important on them anyway" I throw my bag down on the floor and continue eating my food.

"Did you ask her if I could photograph her for my project?" She says while stuffing her face with food

"No jess I never, I never got that far" I run my fingers through my hair "I'm going to my room, I need a lie down" I get to my room and quickly grab my laptop and flop down onto my bed. While checking my e-mails I see I have a very unexpected Email from a Lou Miller.
"Hello, Gwen Smith.

Sorry for our meeting earlier. I should have made more time. Here is your answers to the questions. I don't want you getting into trouble from your tutor. Also I seen your friend Jess wanted to photograph me, I'm available tomorrow if your friend wants to take pictures of me. Please let me know.

Thank you"

I run through to the living room "jess! She emailed me, look she answered all my questions and she said you can take pictures tomorrow" I practically throw the laptop in her face.

"How did she get your email?"

"That doesn't matter, are you free tomorrow"

"Yeah I am, this is great"

I email her back a time and place for tomorrow. I am so excited to see this woman again.


Thank you so much for reading! This is my first fanfic I have wrote for Lou so I hope you enjoy. I'm hoping to make this a long series. Thank you!💛

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