Start from the beginning

"What's the matter?" I asked again, pulling him closer.

Potter rolled his eyes, shaking his hand free from my grip. As soon as my hand dropped, he walked away to the corner of the room again.

I rubbed my temple slightly. This was not helping my headache.

I walked over again, prepared for the worst.

"Look, I don't know what I've done to make you act like this..." I carefully said. "But if you won't tell me, how will I know? So, tell me, what's the matter?"

Potter looked at me, stubborn annoyance flashing through his eyes.

"This student program means a lot to me, Malfoy," he started.

I opened my mouth to reply, but Potter cut in again.

"I came here to work, not hang around with my girlfriend like you." He crossed his arms, eyes flashing dangerously. "And if you're not serious about this program, don't ruin it for me. Don't make me pay for your carelessness."

I blinked, taken aback.

So this was what it all was about?

"Potter..." I replied slowly, "I'm not trying to ruin anything for you."

Potter sarcastically smiled. "Oh, of course not! I'm the one that's busy cozying up with my girlfriend, and you're the one actually putting effort into work, right?"


"I come back from my class, hoping you'd have worked on at least something, but all I find is a blank parchment, with not even fifty per cent of the work completed," Potter scowled. "Because Mr Malfoy has to spend time with his girlfriend. Of course! And who cares about the work? You're here to hang out with your girlfriend."

I bit the inside of my cheek to stop myself from laughing. But it was no use. I let out a little chuckle.

"You find this funny?" Potter glared more harshly, cheeks colouring.

"Sorry," I replied, swallowing the laughter. "It's just that I didn't expect this to be the reason you were mad."

Potter huffed, reddening even more. "Are you calling me silly for wanting to get work done?"

"No," I replied, "I found it funny because it's such a trivial problem, and if it bothered you, you should've mentioned it earlier."

Potter rolled his big green eyes at me. "As if you'd listen to me when you've got your girlfriend to keep you company."

The corner of Potter's mouth hitched up. "As soon as she says—" he put on the most obnoxious high-pitched tone, "—oh Draco, my darlingest love ever— I've already lost you."

A surprised laugh escaped me. Partly for how wrong Potter's tone was and partly due to the way he phrased it. I spent a few seconds trying to compose myself, a fist over my mouth, while I tried to contain the laughter.

Potter looked offended and he glanced away.

"Astoria doesn't say that," I managed to choke out.

I took a few more moments to cease the bubbling laughter. Potter looked at me with the corner of his eyes, his lips controlling a smile.

"Can you— can you do that again, though?" I asked in between my laughs.

Potter turned and hit me a couple times on my shoulder. "Stop. Making. Fun. Of. Me."

"Alright, alright," I said, catching my breath. "What do you want me to do? I'll do as you say."

Potter was smiling too now, something that made me feel warm.

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