"It looks abandoned."

"It is, I made sure of it." Hunter pried opened the door. "It's an old comm-tower. Ladies first."

Aurora looked at the ladder. "I'm not going first."

"Why not?"

Aurora folded her arms. "I'm in a dress."

Hunter looked Aurora up and down. "Right." He turned and started to climb up the ladder first, Aurora followed behind him.

When Hunter made it up the ladder first he put the basket down and turned around to help Aurora up. She brushed the dress off and looked into the night sky. She walked to the railing and placed her hands on it. The starry night was much clearer here than in the town.

"Woah..." Aurora said, starstruck.

Hunter watched her as she walked over to the rail, he couldn't help but smile. He grabbed the blanket from the basket and laid it out. Afterwards he pulled out stuff to make sandwiches and a bottle of alcohol. He turned back to her and she was still looking out into the night. There was a slight breeze and it was blowing her hair to one side. Hunter could barely see the top of her floral tattoo that rested on her spine. He watched her for another quick moment before he walked right up next to her.

"Nice view isn't it?" He asked as he placed his hands on the rail. Their two pinkies barely touching.

"It is." Aurora nodded. "You can really see the stars from here."

"That's why I picked the spot, I remember how much you enjoy looking at the stars and I thought you would like this." Hunter said as the two of them looked at each other. Hunter saw Aurora's cheeks get slightly rosey before she looked back out. Hunter took this moment to study the side of her face. The moons made her skin look paler and he could see a few freckles that were on her face in the moonlight. He noticed the curve in her nose and the way her eyes squinted when she was smiling and looking up into the night. He couldn't help but stare into those big blue eyes.

"It really is beautiful." Aurora commented.

"Yes you are beautiful." Hunter didn't even hear what she had said.

"What was that?" Aurora turned to look at him.

Hunter blinked a couple times. "I was just agreeing with you. That it's beautiful here." He turned to look at his little set up. "We should eat."

Hunter led Aurora over to the blanket and she sat down and Hunter sat down on the other side. "Sandwiches again?" She giggled.

Hunter laughed as well. "It was a last minute meal I could put together." He pulled out two shot glasses and poured the alcohol. "I know the mission isn't over yet but I feel like this is a good time."

Aurora graciously took the glass. "Good there's booze." She joked.

"Of course. There has to be." Hunter agreed and the two of them clinked their glasses and together took their shot. "We should eat if we are to continue drinking."


Many hours later, two finished sandwiches, and the bottle of alcohol they brought was halfway finished. Hunter and Aurora were laying down on the blanket. They laid opposite of each other but their heads were next to each other. Aurora was pointing up into the night sky.

"-and if I'm not mistaken then right there could possibly be the Archeon Nebula. It's a smuggling route and if not navigated correctly. It's deadly." Aurora pointed out, but Hunter wasn't staring at the sky. He had turned his head and had been staring at her the past few minutes, just soaking her and what she was saying up. Hunter before never noticed the beauty in space until he had met Aurora. When she talked about the stars, Hunter thought he could just get lost in her words and the joy it brought her talking about them.

Tracking The Bounty{HunterxOC}Where stories live. Discover now