chapter 45: submission (part 2)

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Trigger warning: darker kink this time; paddling, pain, mentions of suicide


Something smelled good. Like bread and chocolate. And coffee.

I was burrowed deep down in a mound of blankets, my head shoved under at least one pillow. I'd been drooling; the spot on the bed where my face rested was damp. I groaned and rolled over, the pillow falling off my face.

Sunlight hit my closed eyes, and I groaned again. Slowly, I peeled one eye open, and immediately spotted the most beautiful woman in the world. She was curled up in a cozy chair by the wall of windows overlooking Lake Tahoe. I gasped.

"Isn't it pretty?" She said softly, turning to look out the window. The sunlight hit her hair, and it shone. There was golden light on her shoulders, and on her knees tucked up to her chest. She rested her chin on them, turned back to look at me, and smiled softly with plump, pink lips.

"Pretty," I answered.

Her smile widened,showing her dimples, and she reached for me. I moved quickly to climb out of bed, and stopped short with a gasp of pain.

"Oh, baby," she murmured, and snorted a little. "You okay?"

Every single inch of me was sore. It felt like I'd gone to a gym and pumped iron for 3 hours, then slept on it without stretching. "Super."

I struggled a little, but slowly, stiffly made it over to her, and she pulled me into her lap. "I'm sorry you're achey."

I kissed her, and her skin tasted sweet, like honey. "Nah, it's okay. I'm not sorry."

I pecked along her jaw, her cheeks, her nose, her lips... I slid my hands up to her neck and held her face in my hands.

"Hi," she whispered when our eyes locked, hers unbelievably blue and sparkling more than the lake outside the window. "Good sleep?"

"I slept like..." I shook my head. "I've never slept like that before."

She giggled. "Good. I made you breakfast, from scratch."

I turned in her lap to look. It was the food left for us last night. There were pastries and fruit laid out a on tray, clearly not from scratch... but she'd made coffee.

"Baby, you did it," I whined at her. "You made me coffeeeee."

She rolled her eyes. "Probably tastes like trash, but I tried, ok?"

We ate our little breakfast, me still on her lap, ignoring the second chair on the other side of the table. We each kept an arm wrapped around the other the whole time, and we stole endless kisses and stared together out at the lake.

While she started to clean up, I tried stretching, and a whimper slipped out.

"Baby, you should get in the hot tub."

"It's like 80° out, Bill. I think I'd rather be in pain."

"Well, how will we hike?"

I picked up my empty coffee cup and the French press, following her to the kitchen. "I can hike... it might feel kinda good."

She put the extra food away and our dishes into the dishwasher, taking the cup from my hand. "Baby, you will start bitching 20 minutes in. You're too sore."

"So, what, we just sit around all day?"

She grinned. "Maybe that'll be good for both of us."

I groaned. "Or we'll die of boredom."

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