chapter 15: reckless

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The mood the next morning was much more tense than during the night's festivities.

The sad realization was that we hadn't made any serious decisions about today. The bus left at 5 pm that evening, which meant I needed to get on a plane.

I had woken up with Billie's body wrapped tightly around me, her face buried in my neck. She was already awake, just laying there, thinking. She didn't say anything, but she didn't try to have sex with me either, and eventually got up and left the room without a word.

Hmm. I understood what she was feeling.

I didn't know how I was supposed to leave her.

We didn't have to check out of the hotel yet, but I moved around the bedroom anyway, collecting small items and folding clothes. Keeping myself busy with my own items, and running my hands over hers.

I picked up one of her rings and slid it on my finger, thinking about my empty apartment and the mountain of work I had to get back to at home. I looked at the bed and couldn't imagine sleeping without her.

I went looking for her in the giant hotel suite, and found her pacing in the living room, talking to someone on the phone. She gave me a small smile when she saw me, but sort of gently waved me away, so I went back to the bedroom and laid, a sad lump.

She was probably securing me a flight home. I rolled onto my stomach and breathed in her perfume from the pillows on our love nest bed.

Eventually she wandered back into the room, and found me lying there, pathetic.

"Do you wanna come on tour with me?"

I raised my face slightly off the bed. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me," she said, hands on her hips. She looked perfect with no makeup and only a black hoodie on, her hair tousled, her cheeks pink. "I don't want you to go home. I want you to come on the bus with me."

I rolled onto my back, propping myself up on my elbows, and stared at her, uncomprehending. "But..."

"But what?" She was set. I could tell by the look in her eye that she was serious about this.

I sat up all the way. "For how long...?"

She shrugged. "Indefinitely."

I sputtered. "Indefinitely?! Baby, I have a business."

"I know," she nodded, like she'd thought of this. "But you run it, right?"

I hesitated. "Yes..."

"So, you could run it on the bus. We get tons of down time, and it actually gets pretty boring. You could bring your laptop, and whatever other supplies you need, and work on the bus. And in the greenroom, and wherever else."

I lowered my face to my hands and thought for a minute. I was so behind in my shop already. I'd put a freeze on the shipment of all physical items, but I had customer questions, and maintenance, and advertising to keep up with...

"Bill, I don't know if I could get any work done with you around." I shrugged at her, trying to be honest. "You're... kind of a distraction. I didn't do anything all weekend."

She sighed. "I know, I thought of this. But I will do my best to give you space so you can work. I promise."

I nodded, thinking it through, wanting to believe her.

"I think I'd have to go home first," I said slowly, trying to work it out in my head. "I need to be working on my patterns and current pieces."

"You could go home today and meet me in Boston. I'll get you flights."

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