chapter 7: important convos

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When I woke up, it was still dark in my apartment, and my phone was buzzing under my face. I stared into the shadows for a minute, blinking, trying to orient myself. It buzzed again, and I lifted my head to look at the screen.

miss you already...

I sat up abruptly, wiped the drool off my chin. Once again, she was texting me at 6:30am, but this time she was missing me. Yesterday wasn't a dream.

I grinned like an absolute idiot. laundry pile is cold without you

TELL ME you didn't sleep there.

Nah... not by myself. That would've been just... sad

But I'd be lying if I'd said the thought hadn't crossed my mind.

Definitely sad... but maybe a lil cute in a psycho way? Which honestly I kinda like...
But really... I wish you were here

If she had asked me to get on that bus the night before, I would have. Except that would have started the most toxic, complicated relationship known to woman.

But I still wanted to be there, badly.

I do, too...
It's crazy to think we haven't even known each other 48 hours yet

And yet... my panties are lost somewhere in your apartment...

My stomach bottomed out. It was too early in the morning for this.

They're the only reason that laundry is going to get put away today...

And what will you do with them when you find them?

Frame them for my office wall

Lmao aw, you ARE a psychopath

Hey, that wall is reserved for art and anything you've worn on your ass is truly art

Well there's nothing on this ass rn since my thong is on your floor

I gripped the phone, trying to breathe. I pictured her, laying on that pile of clothes as I slid her lacy thong over her hips, her thighs. I squirmed.

Not that I don't love when you send me dirty texts when it's still dark out, but... why are you awake right now?

I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and stretched. I'd slept for maybe 3 hours. After she'd gone, I'd spent at least an hour scrolling through the endless content of her shows on TikTok, plus everything she'd ever posted on Instagram. For the second night in a row, I'd fallen asleep face down on my phone.

I get up every morning at this time or even earlier to work out. Kinda hard to do while I'm on a moving bus, but I guess my internal clock woke me

Even after that little sleep?

I guess so... plus, my brain has been preventing me from getting real sleep

You too, huh...

I know I sort of said this already, but I really like you. It feels actually insane to say that to a girl I just met, but it's true

I grinned like an idiot, and then quickly glanced around the room, embarrassed. As if she could see me laying my guard down.

You can keep saying it, if you want...
But hey, that raises a question I've been meaning to ask...

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