chapter 13: healing

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**Trigger Warning: very light mention of trauma/abuse history with no descriptive details about it**
Honestly probably not even a real TW, but just in case you're sensitive to that.🖤

I woke the next morning in the best possible way; with Billie's face buried deep between my thighs.

Then she wanted to test my multiple orgasm theory. Twice. And then, I wanted to prove it further by testing it out on her. Twice.

So the day started with the bar set extremely high.

We had some time in the morning again, but instead of spending it alone, she wanted to invite her parents to the hotel room for breakfast. Of course, I agreed. But my stomach sank, and stayed sunken for the next half hour while we waited for them to come from their room to ours.

"Never met the parents before?" She teased, while I changed into my third outfit, this time choosing a more feminine blue vintage dress. I'd brought it in case we wanted to go out together somewhere, which Billie had thought was a very cute, naive sentiment.

"I met your parents already," I huffed a little, feeling overwhelmed and shaky.

I fussed with the straps until I got it to lay right. It was too much, since she was wearing her usual, more casual baggy tee and denim outfit. I wanted to wear that, but I didn't want to match her. She came over to me, wrapped her arms around my waist. "You look unbelievable."

I sighed. Billie had a way of making me feel so beautiful. It was all in the way she looked at me with her bright blue eyes.

But in this situation I wasn't really worried about how I looked. I was worried about something else entirely.

"This is hard for me, ok? Just trust me," I almost whispered.

"Why, baby?" She looked concerned. "We don't have to do this... I can call them."

"No," I said quickly, wanting to do this for her. "No, it's gonna be fine."

She looked worried, so I moved away, found my slouchy knit sweater, and threw it over my head. I held my hands up in a ta-da stance. "Perfect."

She nodded her approval, but eyed me nervously until her parents knocked on the door ten minutes later.

The food arrived a few minutes after they did, and we all sat down at the big table in the living area to eat. The hotel had been catering to her crews vegan needs all weekend, and the food was amazing. I shook my head as I stared at my perfect meal, thinking of the types of hotels I usually frequented, with a make your own waffle bar – if you're lucky.

Billie nudged me. "What?"

I looked up and her parents were looking at me, too, comfortable smiles on their faces.

"Oh," I said, hesitant. "Um – I was just thinking how this just doesn't compare to the Best Western continental breakfast I grew up with, you know? That was like the ultimate luxury when I was a kid."

Everyone laughed and Billies parents recounted how much they'd hated those breakfasts, while their kids, of course, loved them. That led to discussing and laughing over Bill's SNL hotel skit, which led to plenty of other great conversations. Her parents really were the best. They were kind, and warm, and funny. They included me in the conversation and made me feel welcomed.

After a while, when Billie and her dad were discussing something about the tour, Maggie reached across the table and put her hand over mine. "You're a very sweet young person, Lucy. Your parents must be so proud of you."

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