chapter 20: billies girlfriend

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A/N: I'm really far ahead in my writing so I thought I'd post an extra chapter this weekend to finish off the tour. Enjoy the fluff, my babies!


Tour was ending soon. With only 2 shows left on the North American leg, Billie planned to go home for the next few weeks to rest before going out for the European dates. We couldn't decide what the wisest course of action was.

"Of course I want you to go home, baby, if that's really what you wanna do," Billie sighed, exasperated.

We both wanted to spend that time together, without distractions, shows, travel, and so on. But I hadn't been home in two weeks, as it was. I was getting a little tired of living out of a suitcase, and I missed my tiny office. I missed Lee, too.

And would there really be no distractions? She was still her, and just because this part of tour was done, didn't mean her life stopped. In fact, she already had tons of things on her schedule to get done while she was home. So, how much time would we have together, really?

"More than anything, I wanna be with you," I said quietly, taking one of her knuckles into my mouth. I kissed the skin around it, not meeting her eye contact. We were in our favorite spot to both talk and fuck, the back lounge on the bus, the couch pulled out and covered in blankets and pillows.

"Me, too," she whispered. "That's all I want. God, this is so stupid."

"What's stupid?" I had been sitting cross legged on the bed, but at this I laid down beside her.

She was flat on her back, staring up at the ceiling. Her long black hair was spread out around her shoulders, and the way I'd laid beside her caused my lavender hair to spill out onto hers. It mixed together wildly, and I swirled my fingers in it on the mattress beside me. The contrast was striking and made me think of our heated arguments.

She sniffed a little. "That we want to be together this much."

I chuckled softly and pressed my face against her cheek. I planted tiny kisses along her jawline. "It's outlandish how much time we require together."

She rolled to her side to face me, pressed a firm kiss on my mouth. "I've never dated someone who actually wanted to spend all their time with me."

I laughed again, dryly. "Pretty sure you have a size-able fan base out there who would be appalled by that fact."

I took her face in my hands tenderly, and rubbed the wrinkles from her forehead.

She breathed a sigh of frustration. "I just wanna be with you all the time."

"I know, baby, me too," I kissed her again, held it for a few seconds longer. "But I really do think we should slow down. There's no rush."

I said it, but I didn't really mean it. I wanted to rush. I wanted to be reckless and spend every hour of every day and every night together. But I was trying to be smart, or wise, or...something.

It wasn't what she wanted, either. I could tell from the way her face fell. "Okay."

"Maybe..." I trailed off, thinking.

"Come to Europe," she blurted over my thoughts. "Please."

I nodded, my face closer all the time to hers. "Yes."

"It'll be a month," she said softly, running her finger down my jaw. "You think you can come for that long?"

I swallowed. "If it's what you want... yes."

"Is it what you want?" She kissed my throat, and she could've been asking me if I wanted to eat bugs, and I'd have said yes.

"Of course," I sighed, kissing her forehead. "I just wanna be with you, too, baby."

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