Let the right one in part 2

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Lyrica and Achilles were reading over battle strategies when a knocking was heard on there front door. Lyrica who was still in her battle armor gets up as she walks to the door opening it as Damon stood there as rain was puring down behind him"what"she says coldy.

Damon smirks"I need your help"he says as Lyrica lets out a hallow laugh "me help you I would rather rip out my own eyes and heart and eat them then help you"she says as Damon glares but before he can say anything Elena steps in between them"please Lyrica Stefan's been taken by the tomb vampires"she says with a pleading look.

Lyrica was silent for a moment before sighs"fine but only because your my best friend Elena now meet us on the road to the house the tomb vampires have been staying."she says before Damon and Elena leave as she closed the door.

Achilles leans against the wall "what was that about."he asked.

"Apparently Stefan was taken by the tomb vampires and Elena asked for me to help get him back"she says walking over to her weapons as she gears up.

"Then let's make this into a glorious fight"Achilles says as thunder roars through the sky. They speed across the land before coming up to the road as they see Damon and Elena arguing before they walk over not bothered by the rain.

"You guys stay here me and Achilles will take care of the tomb vampires and get Stefan out"Lyrica says as Damon and Elena go to protest but Achilles and Lyrica have speed away. When they reach the house Lyrica and Achilles shared a look before both shadow passed through the wall as they walk through the shadows of the house.

She can hear Stefan down in the basement as she stalks up behind one of the vampires quietly beheading them with a quick slice before hearing a human heart beat as she silently moves towards the kitchen seeing Alaric kill two vampires "what are you doing here"she says pissed cause she and Achilles had a strategy before twirling her sword stabbing it behind her as a tomb vampire disintegrates.

Alaric stutters underneath her glare before they here Damon as her glare becomes sharper. Alaric sighs before walking away. Lyrica grits her teeth before speeding to Achilles who was taking care of two tomb vampires."we got a problem"Lyrica says before gasping as she felt a innocent die as Achilles catches her as she pants glaring "Damon"she grits her teeth.

The two immortals share a look before speeding through the house killing any tomb vampires have in sight before Lyrica was tackled by Fredrick as he had tackled her through the front door out into the rain.

Fredrick smirks before frowning something didn't feel right. Lyrica slowly gets back up as the rain began to pure harder as the wind suddenly blows stronger as he watches the trees move "I've had it with you baby vampires"she says coldy before lifting her hand up to the sky as she summons lighting before it shoots down cause fire to burn any approaching vampire as Achilles takes care of the vampires outside the fire.

"You think you can just take innocent lives as you please!"she roars as she commands the water on the ground to rise up as it turns to ice as they form into swords before she thrust her arms out with a yell as they pierce into Fredrick who was screaming in agony as Lyrica stalks up to her with a cold before grabbing Fredrick by the throat as he screams in pain as she punches her other hand into his chest with a flamed fist as she burns him from inside and out as he soon turns to ash.

She stands there with a wave of her hand she makes the fire disappear as Achilles walks over before he was tackled by Stefan who had blood running down his chin as Elena was running over. Lyrica flashes over throwing Stefan off as he slammed into a tree as she stands in front of her soulmate.

Damon appears as he knocks his brother out so he can get him back to the boarding house as Elena turns to Lyrica "thank you"she says before she and Damon walks away with Stefan as Lyrica holds out a hand to Achilles as she helps him up as they then flash back to there home.

Lyrica was shown sitting in front of the fire place as she watches the flames "what's on your mind my queen"Achilles asked as he takes a seat next to her"this is only the beginning I have a feeling things are gonna get worse from here on out and we need to keep are guards up"she says as lighting flashes through the the sky as she shares a look with Achilles before everything went black.

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