A few good men part 2

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A few things happened before the event. Elena had went to visit an old friend of her mother's named Trudy but it didn't end so well. It turns out that Damon killed Elena's mother Isabel that Stefan confirmed after he showed the picture to Damon it also turns out alric was married to a women named Isabel also.

So while Lyrica was getting ready for the event she was putting the pieces together it seems that Alaric's Isabel is actually the same person which is Isabel who is Elena's mother. She decided to wear blue jeans with her knee high boots. Her top that she chose to wear a a blue top where the straps cross over as she she was doing her hair. 

Which she decided to do a one side braid as she ties off the end. She then does her make up which was light rather then her normal make up before putting on her jewelry. Achilles leans against the door frame watching her frown as if she was troubled by something."what is wrong my warrior"he said walking over to her standing behind her as he wraps his arms around her waist from behind.

"I don't know I feel like Isabel will try something"she explained while putting on some earrings as she turns to her soul mate. Achilles rubs a gentle hand on her shoulders "never ignore these feelings Lyrica"he says before she turns back to the mirror.

Soon mystic grill was shown filling up with people for the event as Achilles and Lyrica wall through the door. Carol Lockwood saw them come as she put on a fake smile before walking over"Lyrica hi we are one contestant short and I was wondering if Achilles might fill in the spot"she asked them with a fake smile.

Lyrica stares at her with a blank look"no"she says before walking away as she pulls a chuckling Achilles with her. She then looks up at the stage"well it seems she's canceled my band segment oh well but she wouldn't know good music if it bit her in the ass"she says as they walk further in heading to the bar to get a drink.

People were still filling in as Caroline was shown handling the tickets talking with Elena "he's already been hit on like 35 times. He's total cougar bait"she explained to Elena while pointing at Matt.

Elena nodded her head "impressive".

"More like embarrassing"matt says as the two girls laugh when Matt's mother walks over"hi, Mrs Donovan."Caroline greets kindly who fakes smiles before turning straight to Elena "Elena, honey" she greets.

"Hi Kelly"Elena says as she and Matt's mother huh while Caroline hides her hurr while a fake smile as the two pull away.

"Long time no see"Kelly says as she pulls away from Elena.

"How are you doing"Elena asked.

"Same old same old. Oh Matty tells me you broke his heart"Kelly says with a mocking pout. Matt sighs"mom"he says as Kelly shrugs "just kidding calm down he's on his rebound girl well here you go sweetheart,how ever many that'll buy"she says as Caroline looks hurt before her eyes catch Lyrica who was walking up behind Kelly before turning back to Kelly who was handing her money"I just hope I don't get bachelor 3 dated him in high school. Ha Not impressive.  In Any way"she says with a chuckle as Caroline hands her the tickets.

Kelly takes them"very exciting turning around only to see Lyrica behind her with a fake smile"hi Kelly so not nice to see you again"she says before leaning to her ear"and if you ever say something like that again to Caroline I will show this town what kind of mother you really are"she says coldly as she pulls back with a smile letting Kelly pass by. She then smiles at Matt, Elena and Caroline before walking back over to Achilles.

Lyrica calmly watches everyone as she uses her super hearing as many people chatted and Damon as usual flirts with Mrs Lockwood and becomes one of the contestants before she watches liz Forbes walk in as she and Damon walk over somewhere quiet talking about Alaric and Isabel which she already knew so nothing new.

The event was going good as the contests where all sitting up on stage as each one went by as Carol Lockwood held the mike."and what do you do bachelor number 3?"she asked.

"Yeah I'm a plumber "the constant says into the microphone."well isn't that wonderful we could always use more plumbers moving on?"carl says to the audience as she moves to the next contestant who was Alaric"number 4 Alaric saltsman wow that's quite a mouthful. What do you do Alaric "she asked.

"I'm a teacher at mystic falls high."he says into the microphone.

"Oh beauty and brain ladies this one is a keeper "Carol says to the audience before turning back to Alaric"what do you teach"she then asked.

"History"he says into the microphone."history of well give us a fun fact about mystic falls something crazy"Carol asked. Alaric slightly glanced at Damon who smiles while waiting. Alaric then turns back to carol"uh well... "He says trying to think of something.

"He's probably saving the best stories for his date "Carol says into the microphone as the crowd laughs.

Lyrica who was sitting at a table witch Achilles watches as Carol goes to Damon next"and last but not least, Damon Salvatore. We don't have much on you"she says.

"Well I'm tough to fit in a card"Damon says smugly.

"Well do you have any hobbies? Like to travel"Carol asked.

"Oh yeah L.A, new York. Couple years ago I was in north Carolina. Near the duke campus, actually I think Alaric went to school there"he says.

Lyrica narrows her eyes Damon was up to something she turns to Achilles"he's up to something "she says as she watches him go on before bringing up Alaric's wife Achilles and Lyrica share a look they needed to find Elena as they go up as they look around for Elena.

As Damon admits what he did to Isabel Lyrica finally finds Elena before she rushes out the grill with Stefan following her. Lyrica sighs before anger boils at how Damon just flat out admitted he killed Isabel as the event continues.

Before she hears Elena scream as she and Achilles run outside "Elena are you okay "she asked as she runs up to Stefan and Elena before seeing what there starring at it was a dead body she turns back to Elena."what happened"she asked as Elena turns to her with tears in her eyes."he kept says to stop looking for Isabel he's was compelled to kill him self when I said I understood"she cry's before Lyrica pulls her into her arms as she runs a hand up and down Elena's back.

After Elena had calmed down some she went back inside with Stefan. Lyrica stays out side deep in her thoughts before walking back inside with Achilles as Kelly who got contestant number 3 walks over to Caroline.

"Congratulations Mrs Donovan"Caroline says as Kelly looks at her annoyed with a huff"okay just stop. Stop trying so hard. This thing you're doing this nice thing it's fake. Like you like your mom. And for some reason Matt fell for it, but that doesn't mean that I will. I don't like you okay? So tell plumber boy I'll be at the bar"she says as Lyrica leans against the table.

"If anybody fake it's your ass Kelly"she says gaining there attention."Caroline is a general nice person unlike you who left her kids so she could become the town slut Caroline and her mother will always be better people then you so before you start to judge people while don't you look in the mirror and see how much your actions actually effect and hurt your kids"she says coldly before bumping shoulders with Kelly hard as she stumbling. Lyrica just walks ahead she wasn't gonna let anyone hurt her friends ever.

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