S1: pilot part 2

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Lyrica is seen in the gym as her band sets up to practice one last time before the school bonfire party tonight"all right guys, we've been working on the cover for the song so let's hit it."Lyrica tells her bandmates. Heading up to the lead microphone. As her fan starts the song called' according to you' the first song as she sings hitting every note while her bandmates hit every beat head on.

"All right, that sounded great guys now let's practice the second song at the top."she shells with excitement before they start their own cover for ' positions' by Ariana grande. As she starts off with the song with a solitaire voice not nursing her two best friends walking on her band practice smiling Wiley nodding their heads to the beat.

As the song comes to an end she opens her eyes seeing them smile and clapping happily for her."omg. That was awesome, I didn't know you had a voice like that."both of the girls squeal with excitement.

"Well, how can I not I mean look at me."Lyrica says with a playful cocky smirk making the girls burst until after.

Soon it wouldn't patio can be heard blasting with music. By The mystic waterfalls with fairy lights around everywhere with people dancing. Lyrica is seeing drinking of a red Solo cup dancing before seeing Elena and Bonnie waving at her."hello ladies"she says with a smirk and giving a slight bowel making her friends giggle.

"Just admit it, Elena"Bonnie tells Elena laughing.standing by the fire"okay,so he's alittle pretty"elena and this lesson to her best friends.

"He has that romance novel stare"Bonnie says making Lyrica not as if agreeing with her."Stephen looked deep in her eyes piercing her very soul"funny says with a dramatic voice causing all three girls to laugh.

As the girls are seeing standing talking about a fire as Bonnie looks around for someone."where is he"

"I don't know. You tell us, you're the psychic one."as she looks at the fire."right, I forgot."she lives slightly make it Lyrica smart.

"Okay, so give me a sec. Graham says I have to concentrate"Bonnie tells the girls before elena stops her for a second."wait. You need a crystal ball."Elena says looking around before picking up an empty bottle smiling."ta...da"she says holding of the beer bottle to Bonnie who closes her eyes smiling grabbing it only to guess with a jump. Elena looks at her slightly worried. But Lyrica already knows before getting a look in her eye.

A slight screech of a crow can be heard before she pulls her hand away shocked at what she just saw."what?"Elena ask worried

"That was weird. When I touched you, I saw a crow."Bonnie starts off with making Elena go slightly wide eye."what"

"Acro there is fall, a man."Sonic explains to the girls what she saw. Before shaking her head in denial"I'm drunk. It's the drinking, there's nothing psychic about it."Bonnie says making Elena look back at her"yeah? Okay, I'm going to get a refill."she says Hurrying away  walking away while Elena tries to call her back. She goes to look at Lyrica but she's not there anymore.

As the party keeps going on without a hitch. Before screaming is hurt, Elena and her brother Jeremy runs in carrying a bloody vicky. Stephen has to look away as Vines can be seen crawling up his face before hurrying away before anyone can see. Not nursing glowing eyes from the shadows watching slightly the person soon steps in the light slightly showing Lyrica with a serious look on her face before it disappearing like smoke in the wind.

To Stefan is seen rushing into his uncle's Zach's house."what's going on?"alcoholic as seeing the look on his face."someone was attacked tonight, sex, and it wasn't me."Stefan tells his uncle before speeding up to his room. His window appears open before a black crow fly's in."Damon"

"Hello brother"Damien says with a smart as everything goes black shouted can be heard. Before both brothers are falling out of the window and fighting before freezing hearing a voice behind them"hello boys"

Both males freeze sing Lyrica behind them. Both giving different reactions for Damien it was confusion not knowing who this woman is. For Stefan it was surprise."you boys have hurt an innocent on my grounds."she says walking up to the like a predator stalking its prey."yeah, what are you going to do about it you're just a human."Damon says cocky making her glare at him before smirking darkly as he starts to choke on his own blood flowing to his knees gasping."what are you doing?"

"Showing you who's really in charge for little boy. Let me introduce myself accordingly. I am Lyrica daughter of god, goddesses of every religion you can think of. I'm even the daughter of the universe. I was there when this planet became earth. I am more than centuries older than you."she introduces herself while the wind picks up lightly as she speaks."I am here to warn you if any more innocent people are hurt, you will face the consequences."she says as lightning shoes through the sky as thunder roars. Before disappearing as lightning strikes. As soon as she's gone Damon can breathe again painting heavily ass he and his brother both sure look before everything goes dark.

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