children of the dammed part 2

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as Lyrica was driving to the old cemetery where the old fells church once stood. her car comes to a slow stop before she and Achilles got out her booted heels crunch against the gravel as they walk forward." this is were all those vampires were locked away under Neath the old fells church in 1864" Lyrica says as she walks over to a large whole in the ground before she summon steps for them to walk on. they make there way down before coming to a large tomb slab with a 5 pointed star carved into it." back in 1864 the people in mystic falls decided to get rid of all the vampires so Johnathon gilbert made a device that cause a sound only vampires can here." she explains while placing a hand on the stone slab with a soft smile remembering Emily bennet.


Lyrica is shown wearing a purple dress with a black curset as she picked up her skirt as she runs around the mobs that were rounding up the vampires looking for Emily before noticing her buy anna whos face were tear staid as she was being held by Emily. she quickly runs over "Emily" she breaths as they all face her Emily brings the women in a huh" Lyrica you most go you our only hope to save this world." she begs of the women who she saw as a sister figure. Lyrica fights a battle in her head not wanting to leave her here before sighing" fine but you get out of this town now" she tells Emily firmly before running into the darkness of the woods before stopping as she turned back to the town once more as her eyes glow red in anger. she knew whos fault this was Kathrine's if she didn't be a slut for one minute the town wouldn't have know about vampires or witches as she watched Emily be dragged away. she knew she needed to leave but she wasn't about to let Emily be killed as she follows the towns people as they drag Emily.

anger boils in her as she saw them tie Emily to a wooden beam to be burned where here ancestor's had died cause of sirens. her eyes glowed green as she crunched down placing her hands on the ground soon roots from many trees spring out of the ground before heading towards there targets as they wrap around the frighten man before being dragged to the ground as they were buried alive for there sins. Lyrica runs over to Emily who was shocked to see her" but how i thought i told you to leave" she asked in shock as Lyrica rips the ropes off her. Lyrica looks up at here" your like a sister to me Emily I am not gonna let you die cause of Katherine now come we must go" she and Emily soon run away from the town leaving it behind them.

*flashback ends*

she turns her head to Achilles who sees the tears in her eyes" that was the last time I saw Emily because she needed to get to her family but it seems she was killed on her way there" she whispered while wiping the tears from her eyes. Achilles walks over pulling her into his chest as he holds her as they stand in silence. Lyrica pulls away as she sniffles" come I need to meet some one who I thought was gone" she said as they make there way up to the top before she makes the steps crumble.

Lyrica is then shown standing in front of the hotel where anna pearls daughter is staying before she kicked down the door causing ben and anna to jump up in shock before anna's eyes widen who she saw. ben hisses as his fangs bared before rushing at the women" ben don't !"anna shouts but it was already to late. as ben rushed at Lyrica who grabs him buy the neck lifting him up in the air before throwing him out into the sun as he screams in agony as he burst into flames while Lyrica just stands there with an emotionless face as she walks more into the room.

" hello anna" she says coldly while siting in the chair elegantly " its come to my attention that you been messing around with Jeremy gilbert to find your mother. this stops now cause he is an innocent human who doesn't need to be dragged into vampire problems so i will take you to the tomb tomorrow to get your mother only if you leave Jeremy alone and Elena" Lyrica says glaring coldly as she stands up as she walks up to anna who backed up into the wall wither fear as she nods her head making Lyrica hum" good see you tomorrow" before she fades away as anna slides down the wall as she breaths heavily alone in the hotel.

it was later that night as Lyrica sat with Achilles in the mystic grill drinking whine before she feels blast of fear coming Elena" come on Elena is in trouble" she said as she gets up heading out the grill making sure no one was looking before teleporting them to where Elena was which was Stefan and damons fathers tomb and seeing Damon holding Elena in a choke hole threatening to urn her made lyrics see red as she speed in god like speed grabbing him be the throat before throwing him into a tree as it completely snaps in half while she stalks up to him as the ground cracks with a red glow with each step she took." you ever threaten a human life i will smite you into hell!!!!!!" she roars as the wind starts to lash out around them as trees groan as they sway from the force as lighting flashes across the sky as the god, gods, goddess and the universe respond to her power making Stefan and Elena look around in shock.

Lyrica grabs Damon by the collar of his shirt before punching her fist through as she grabs his heart before smirking with a glare while sending shocks of lighting through his heart as Damon screams in agony as burn marks start showing on his from from inside out. Stefan looks worried even though his brother has done some horrible things he still didn't want his brother to die as he watches tears sliding down damons face as he screams in agony. Stefan turns to Achilles " please stop her I'm begging you".

Achilles stands there for a silent moment before walking over to Lyrica as he placed a gently hand on her shoulder causing her to turn her head her eyes were pure red you couldn't see her eyes at all. "he's learned his listen lets go home your job is done here" he tells her softly as the red glow starts to fade away she turns back to Damon who was looking up at her with begging eye. Lyrica just looks at him coldly before ripping her hand out with out the heart as Damon falls to the ground panting. she just walks off with Achilles following her as the two vampires and Elena watch them disappear into the darkness before everything goes black.

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