There goes the neighborhood

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Lyrica was shown meditating as she was hovering mid air she was trying to ease her thoughts before she slowly opens her eyes and drops down on her feet as Achilles was waiting in the door frame "come on we got to get ready for school"she says before both got dressed. Lyrica decided on wearing a white tub top that shows off her abs as she wore ripped blue jeans shorts as he heels click against the floor as her twin dutch braids swing left to right as she holds hand with Achilles her wore a grey v neck with black ripped jeans as they walk down the hall.

She stops as her eyes go in a daze before she flutters her eyes before turning to Achilles with a cold look "looks like we need to pay a visit to pearl she's heading to the Salvatore house"she says before the two sneak off out side where no one was before they disappear in the shadows.

They appear in the shadows of the Salvatore house as Damon was panting on the ground as his eyes bleed heavily "I have 400 years on you little boy I'll rip you limb from limb with out blinking and you know it"pearl says as her and her daughter turn to leave before they were thrown back by a force as they break through furniture.

"Hello pearl long time no see"Lyrica says as she and Achilles step out of the shadows Anna steps back in fear while pearl was confused before glaring at Lyrica before hissing as she charged forward thinking Lyrica was weaker then her.

Lyrica smirks before all of sudden pearl screams as her leg breaks out of nowhere following to the ground "see pearl Damon is right very few remember vampires and besides the founders were here way before it became home to vampires"she says twisting her hand slowly as if she was holding a heart as pearl start to choke as blood spits out her mouth "see I won't kill you since I have to protect human and supernatural who are innocent so I'm gonna give you a little warning"she says crunching down in front of a choking vampire "if you or your gang of vampires take human life cause of what happened in 1864 I will kill you slowly and painfully while making your daughter watch them kill her or any vampire that kills an innocent"she says deadly calm before standing up letting go of her hold on pearl who lays there gasping in relief as Lyrica and Achilles disappear.

While the others were having a double date Lyrica has her shadow demons watch over the house where pearl and the other vampires from 1864 reside as they keep guard if one of them plans anything.

It was night when the shadow demons watch Fredrick and bethanne open the door fixing to walk out when there stopped by happen"where are you going"he asked.

"Bethanne and I are going out for a bit hit the town kick up our heels"Frederick says.

"But we're not supposed to leave Ms Pearl made that very clear"harpper says. Fredrick then slowly walks up to him challenging"you gonna stope me"he's as as they have a stand still before bethanne and Frederick walk away from the house the shadows share a look before heading off to tell there master.

Lyrica was petty her dear snake blade who was curled up in his mother's lap as he nuzzles into her hand while Achilles sits in a different chair reading a book about today's culture when the shadow demons appear she raised an eyebrow "well"she asked.

"Two vampires Fredrick and bethanne are seeking to make trouble they are heading to the Salvatore house now my lady"the say with a bow.

Lyrica nods her head before commanding they to return to there post as they disappear before looking over to Achilles"looks like we got to vampires to keep in line"she says as they share dark looks.

Lyrica and Achilles where shown sand traveling before they appear in front of the Salvatore house before here glass shattered as they share a look. She raised a hand blowing off the door gaining all there attention"hello Fredrick. Bethanne I guess pear neglected to tell you the new rules "she says before they both bare there fangs before charging at her while she smirks before dashing with speed of a goddess past them as she turns with dark eyes before summoning her Egyptian sias as there eyes widen.

"Let me introduce I am Lyrica daughter of god, goddesses of every religion you can think of. I'm even the daughter of the universe. I was there when this planet became earth. I am more than centuries older than you. Just like I told those two idiots over there"she says pointing a sia at them.

"Now I will tell you the same thing I told pearl I am the protector of humans and supernaturals who are innocent and if you kill on or plan to kill one you will be killed by me"she says with a cold glare.

Bethanne scoffs before rushing forward Lyrica then slashes her body as she flashes in different angles as blood splatters as bethanne screams with agony as they were laced with vervain. She then kicks of a broken piece of wood that was now shaped like a stake before round house kicking it into the vampires chest as they fall to the ground dead.

Fredrick screams as he rushes to the women before he was launched through a window causing it to shatter. He speed up standing as he glares before vamp speeding off. The Salvatores turned to thank her but she was already gone she couldn't really stand them at the moment.

Pearl was then shown opening a refrigerator grabbing a bottle of blood before seeing Frederick who was breathing heavily as she closed the door "so where's bethanne"she asked.

"She won't be coming back"he says.

"What happened where is she"pearl then asked.

"Well you were right we shouldn't have left "he says.

"No. Hungry?"she says turning as she walks over to the sink poring a certain amount of blood in some glass cups as Fredrick nods his head head walking over being handed one before he groans as pearl turns stabbing him with the end of a wooden spoon "not only did you not listen but you've managed to piss off the one person in his world who can completely obliterate us from existence"she says ripping the wooden spoon out as she sits his cup down on the counter before tossing the bloody spoon into the sink before taking a seat at a table poring her and Anna some blood in a cup "next time you'll listen to me"she says coldy before everything went black.

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