"Don't worry, I will take care" Jungkook hung up and called the driver "Hyung, where are you and where is Tae?"

"Young master, Master Taehyung slipped on the steps so he didn't want to come to the office" The home driver of Jeon, Rakesh said.

"What?" Jungkook's heart is beating fast in fear, He takes the car immediately towards the Kim house, the ride is so painful to him and he prays all the god Tae worships, that Taehyung and his baby will be alright.

Jungkook ran inside the house "Taehyung" and checked the person who was sitting on the sofa.

"You okay right?" Jungkook placed his hand on the tummy, his eyes filled with worry and pain.

Tae hugged him tightly "I was so afraid" he fisted Jungkook hair, sobbing on his chest.

"Don't worry, I am here" Jungkook hugged him, rubbing his back gently.

Tae backed away and cupped the older face "I am sorry, I should have taken better care of our baby."

"It's okay" Jungkook takes him under his chest again and looks at Mrs.Kim deadly "What happened?"

"Son-in-law that... "



Tae heard the horn sound of the car so he took his bag and phone to go out. Outside the entrance they had two steps to get down and walk a few steps towards the gate, the moment he stepped out on the first step and his leg slipped making him fall his butt.

"Ahhh" Tae breathed heavily, his hands protectively covered his stomach. He only felt the pain in the butt still his mind started to fear for the baby.

The driver who waited out saw Taehyung falling and he ran towards him "Master, are you okay?" He lifted him and hearing his voice, Mrs.Kim and Minseo came.

"Tae" Mrs.Kim came close to him.

"I will call the doctor" The driver tried to move but Tae held his hand "Brother, please don't leave me" he backed away from Mrs.Kim clinging to the Driver.

The driver worked in Jeon mansion for five years and he was genuinely worried about Taehyung as the younger treated him like a real brother when he was staying in the Jeon mansion. He is broken seeing in this state and distressed about the fetus.

"Ok ok" He held Taehyung with one hand, took to the hall and made him sit on teb sofa, he called the Jeon family doctor with another hand.

Taehyung's life is not with him till the doctor checks, he is afraid to face Jungkook if something happens to the baby.

"Thank God, I can hear the heart beat" The doctor breathed out, calming the younger "Taehyung you should be careful, the fetus is in small size like a poppy seed, even small jerk can cause a miscarriage, hope you took this as a lesson and take care of you more seriously"

Taehyung nodded while tears were falling down continuously and the doctor went back as he is a family doctor, Namjoon can pay for it.

"I will inform Namjoon sir" The driver tried to move but Tae didn't leave his hand so the man had to stay with Taehyung.

"Tae, What happened?" When Mrs.Kim gets near, Tae backs away.

"Mam, I think you should leave now" Rakesh politely said.

Mrs.Kim and Minseo looked at each other and they obeyed the man and went to Mrs.Kim's room.

Rakesh locked the room "Master, I locked the room" that's when Tae breathed in relief and left his hand.

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