Chapter 17

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"The main problem here is that you dumped us for months, my friend." it was Bradley. He took a sip of the coffee prepared by Chloe.

"It's not dumping, Brad. It's being busy with my business and having my own life." I retorted.

"Well, congrats to your C-21 Premier. I regret not watching it, I had quite a lot of things to take care of." Andreas barged in.

Bradley, Andreas, and Wolf Silvestre visited the office today. Their reason? To rant about me not seeing them for months. Quite the childish madmen they are.

"Anyway, how have you been?" Wolf crossed his arms and leaned on the couch.

"I've been good lately,"

"Just good?" he asked again and I frowned.

"I hate to mention this to you, brother, but have you ever seen the news? Any magazines? Or whatever?" Bradley's voice turned into a serious mode.

I fixed my suit and looked at him.

"Why the hell is everybody asking about the news? Do I need to know something? If in fact I have to know the damn news, can't somebody just straight up tell me what that is?"

I contained my irritation, it's been almost a week since I've been asked about the news.

What news?! I shouted in my head.

"It's about you." Andreas replied.

"What's new about that?"

"It about you and your employee. Who was she again?" Wolf looked lost with whoever he was referring to.

"Juliette." Bradley uttered. "Juliette Reverie Quives? Sounds pretty familiar, right?"

I fairly knew how my expression switched from irritation to confusion. They noticed the change in my reaction too, I bet.

The moment Juliette's name was mentioned, I already started guessing, anticipating what issues could be aired from any news outlets.

"Look it up." Andreas nodded his head, signaling me to open my laptop and search for the news they wanted to let me know.

I searched my name on the internet and browsed the latest articles published online by various sites.

Mr. Billionaire falling for a worker's trap?

Juliette Quives: A hustler clerk seducing Mr. Billionaire

Chronicles of Wooing Pietro Jacques

These were some of the headlines I read on the internet, and just as I gazed at my friends for a confirmation, they shrugged their shoulders indirectly telling me, told you.

"Look up to the 'Juliette: Hustling like a Pro' article, man. I hope it doesn't hurt you." said Bradley.

Juliette: Hustling like a Pro
By: Honor Seuss

Fact or Hoax: The Billionaire owner of the POINTE Enterprise, Pietro Jacques Phoenix-Creed, falling for a mere company clerk?

Juliette Reverie Quives, an office clerk of the RVP Company, is rumored to be hustling not in her job, but in seducing her multi-billionaire employer—Pietro Jacques Phoenix-Creed. Several reports escalated as the two were seen arriving in the RVP Gala Night, making it a subject for rumors that Juliette Reverie Quives succeeded in wooing her boss, branding her as the Pro Hustler in Town! "Poverty no more for the hardworking lady", said an anonymous entity.

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