" Cassius I keep trying to get you to understand that I am eighteen years old . I don't have any of my life planned out , I don't even have my own place and you thought the best way to keep me around was to give me a damn baby out of all things  ? " She asked .

" Yep " He said without a care in the world .

" So you just didn't even care about me going to college or my education or any of that right ? " She asked .

" You don't even need to go to college " He replied.

" What you mean I don't need to go to college ? What do you expect me to do ? Be a stay at home mom and let you take care of us ? " She asked sarcastically.

" If that's what you want " He said causing to hit him . " That's not what I meant thought. You don't even really wanna go to college , you was just telling me about how you don't even know what to major in . You just want to go because you think you have to when you don't . You do really good making your face mask and that other shit you be making you can just go to aesthetician school , do that since you like giving out facials and shit and sell the products you be making , easy money and you love doing it so that's a plus " He said casually .

That was a good plan , even she knew it but she wasn't going to admit it to him because she was still pissed off . " So now you just figuring and planning my life out for me ? I can't think for myself now ? " She asked .

" Ma'kaia you need to chill out ! maybe the baby was a little extreme but honestly your ass should've been pregnant months ago . I've been busting in you since the first time we had sex and you never asked me to wear a condom or pull out it just so happened the time I was wishing you got pregnant that you actually did get pregnant and as far as trying to plan and figure out your life that's not what i'm doing , you told me you were stuck on what you wanted to do that was a suggestion to help you decide " He said .

She didn't respond to him she just remained quiet the rest of the ride to the doctors office . When he pulled off before he could park fully she hopped out of the car and walked into the building leaving him .

Cassius shook his head at her pettiness and took his time parking before walking into the building . When he found the right office he opened the door and saw her already sitting down filling out paperwork.

He sat down next to her and kissed her cheek. " I know you're upset and I understand why you're upset . I can admit I probably went about what I did the wrong way but I ain't wanna lose you forever and you know my thinking process ain't normal " He told her .

" You're going to tell my mom you got me pregnant on purpose " She told him causing him to chuckle.

" What good is that gonna do ? It don't make a difference that you willingly fucked me unprotected " He said causing her to smack her teeth. " I don't wanna fuss with you and i'm sorry for manifesting pregnancy on us but i'm happy as fuck about the baby and I want you to be too " He said .

" you want me to happy that you trapped me with a baby ? " She questioned and he smacked his teeth .

" Bruh I told you it wasn't necessarily trapping because I been butting in you I was just wishing that you did get pregnant the last time and it just so happened my wish got granted " He said .

Before she could respond they were getting called to the back room . Cassius helped her up and helped her hand as they walked to the exam room .

" Hi i'm Dr.Lin , i'll be your OBGYN for this pregnancy and you must be Ma'kaia right ? " She asked holding her hand to shake
Kaia's hand .

" Yeah but you can just call me Kaia "
Kaia said and she nodded .

" And are you the dad ? " She asked Cassius and Cassius nodded . She shook Cassius hand as well .

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