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Yibo looked at her and he just couldn't believe what he just heard. He knew there were shameless people with pervetted thoughts in the world but...he knew Sharon must be the biggest of them all. She was blunt, just like Yibo was and that was one of the things Yibo liked about her back then. Many people like to beat around the bush and not say what they want to say, what they don't like maybe because they're scared. Scared of sounding annoying, scared or being a nag...and also..scars of being left alone because they complain too much.

And ofcourse...he took Sharon's words as a compliment. Now he knew that he was good at his job and he makes the best of it. Just like everything he does, his work...he puts his whole effort in it in order to not dissapoint. He tilted his head to the side and looked at Sharon, smirked a little and opened the car door. He stepped outside but didn't close the car door, Sharon took a step back while grinning from ear to ear. She was getting what she wanted....she thought.

Yibo's action were very familiar to her, she knew that smirk because he used to smirk like that when he was about to give her the most satisfying sex of all. She bit her lower lip and stuck her finger between her chest in her cleavage and took a step forward again and said....

"That a boy, you see... I don't like to loose, and you... you're very stubborn. I don't know what it is about that blubber mouth you're trying to protect so much,but no worries. You will soon be away from him cause you will be too busy filming a movie."

She got closer to Yibo and put her finger on Yibo's chest, slowly ran it up and down his clothed chest. She was still outside the car and Yibo was outside but with the backseat door between them. Her actions were only to seduce Yibo and Yibo wanted to prove his point to her. He had told her countless times that he was not into her anymore and that that spark she kept mentioning that Yibo should feel has long gone, not even ashes remained to leave a mark as proof of its existence.

She was so sure she had succeeded into turning Yibo on when Yibo grabbed her hand that was on his chest with one hand and the other in his pocket. He slowly pulled it down towards his crotch and Sharon didn't make an effort of bending down since she liked very high heels. She smiled excitedly as she realised Yibo's actions, she felt her stomach contract, his tits tighten and his clit pulsed in her undies. Her heart beat so fast that she could swear she was about to suffocate.

Yibo tightly grabbed her hand and placed it right on his private area, moved it around like he was preparing for something that needed a whole night hotel booking for the upcoming activities. Sharon moaned and closed her eyes for a second, involuntarily, she opened them again and saw that Yibo still held that same smirk she loved. But..there was something unfamiliar about the whole thing, Sharon wanted to touch his clothed member herself without Yibo guiding her hand but, Yibo refused to let go of her hand.

He was patient enough to repeat his actions, making Sharon's hand move around his big member. But there was something unfamiliar and surprising about it that she shot her eyes out and looked straight into Yibo's eyes while puffing and huffing in dissapointment and embarrassment. Mostly embarrassment because she had put her whole effort into seducing Yibo even with her words but Yibo's big, most delicious and satisfying member was not even hard.

He chuckled and made sure to make his point heard when he said...

"Do you believe me when I say I'm over you..? Even if I follow you, nothing would happen. I'm really... definately...over you Sharon, and no matter how much you try...I just can't seem to react to you the way that I used to before. That was the past and you should let it remain right where it is."

Sharon panicked, she had never been rejected by anyone before, and even Yibo...who couldn't get enough of her in bed before. She took Yibo's arm out of his pocket and pulled it towards her breast, she pushed it tightly against her tits while she moved her fingers to feel if Yibo's member was getting up. When she realised that her actions were all in vain, she fumed and forcefully pulled her hand aways from Yibo's member, making Yibo jerk a bit and almost fell back on the seat. His face reddened like he was in pain and he did that by purposefully stopping his breathing for a bit and just as he was about to feel a little dizzy...he took a deep breath.

AWAKENED HEART  (The first heartbeat)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu