Interlude: Witch Hunt

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Dimitri clenched onto Aredbhar as he struck various enemies. He growled as he dried the blood of his enemies off of his face.

"Dimitri..." Edelgard approached him. "I found the whereabouts of Cornelia... she is hidden in the marketplace."

"Thank you, Edelgard." The blond haired young soon-to-be king nodded. "I'll handle her."

"Wait." The Adrestian Emperor grabbed her hand. "I... can't afford to lose another sibling..."

Dimitri was silent. Did Edelgard just say... sibling? He always thought she wouldn't remember despite what she told him in Abyss.

Instead, he smiled and hugged her, happy that his step-sister saw him as family.

"Don't worry, El." He said. "I'll survive this. And I'll finish that witch."

"Good luck." Edelgard said. "And stay alive... Dee."

As the silver haired girl left to help her troops out, Dimitri sighed. It had been six years since Edelgard called him that. With that memory and new found confidence, he headed off to find Cornelia.

As he looked around the marketplace, he would see corpses of soldiers of Argatha and Knights of Seiros. Was it truly a struggle?

Suddenly, he reflects a Dark Spikes Spell with a swing of Aredbhar.

"Well, if it isn't the uncle killer." Cornelia Armin walks out of her hiding spot, giving a witch-like smirk. "I never expected to see you as a grown monster."

"Cornelia." Dimitri scowled. "Tell me... did you force my uncle to become a Demonic Beast?!"

"Force?" The salmon haired gremory hummed. "He had it all in mind for his upcoming reign... such a shame that he never got to finish his task on Duscur on the rebellion on the west."

"You... You murderous fiend!!" Dimitri charged towards Cornelia and swung at her, but she teleported, making him miss his attack.

As he looked around, he is hit by a Swarm spell.

He collapses, struggling to survive. He knows he can still fight, but Cornelia is making things hard for him.

"Such a shame that you will die alone and isolated." The witch smirked. "If only I had taken you to Fhirdiad and executed you right infront of your beloved people for the regicide of Grand Duke Rufus."

Before Cornelia could finish him off, her spell is blocked off by a Miasma.

"Dimitri!" Felix's voice is heard as he, Glenn, Rodrigue and Hapi enter, the latter being the one who casted the Miasma Spell.

"Felix! Glenn! Rodrigue! Hapi!" Dimitri's despair had turned to hope. "You came!"

"You..." Cornelia saw Glenn and growled. "You're supposed to be dead!"

"You are... wrong." Glenn said, staring at Cornelia with the same cold eyes Felix gives to others. "I was saved... from your tyranny."

"Your diabolical reign is over, Cornelia Armin." Rodrigue scowled. "If Lambert was here, he would have caught your deceptions and had you executed."

"Lambert Egite Blayddid was a corrupt man." Cornelia growled. "He was leading Faerghus to ruin!"

"Enough with your lies." Hapi shook her head. "And to think you're the woman who kidnapped and used me for your... 'research'. I can see that your kindness is only a façade of your true personality."

"Pesky rat." Cornelia hissed. "This is how you repay me when I gave you scantuary?!"

"Cleobulus! Stop!" Aster appeared. Her face filled with tears.

"You traitor-!" Cornelia's eyes widened in anger when she saw Aster. "You should have died-"

"Enough!" Dimitri shouted. "Let's end this!"

"Titanus!" Cornelia shouted! "Come to me!"

A giant robot-like creature appeared and prepared itself to fight Dimitri, Felix, Glenn, Rodrigue, Hapi and Aster.

"Oh no... Titanus!" Aster shrieked.

"Well... I guess I will do this, even though I don't want to." Hapi shrugged before letting out a big sigh.

"Why is she sighing?" Rodrigue asked in confusion.

Suddenly, two giant wolves appeared, howling and charging to the Titanus.

"That is why." Dimitri answered.

During the battle, Aster was healing Dimitri, Rodrigue and Hapi used magic on Cornelia and Dimitri, Glenn and Felix used close combat on her.

Almost at the end, Cornelia was at her last breath, bleeding out blue blood. Dimitri approached her, pointing Aredbhar at her.

"Tell me..." He took a deep breath. "Where is my STEPMOTHER? There was no sign of her during the Tragedy of Duscur. Not even a body."

"Oh... but you will like this." Cornelia smiled. "Patricia is long dead. By her own daughter's hands. Lambert was always ensuring Patricia never saw her beloved EDELGARD when she was alone. Not only that, she had to ask Viscount Elidure to secretly take her to her daughter, however... the poor woman was betrayed and killed by her own child."

"LIES!" Dimitri shouted, which makes Cornelia's smile turn to a frown. "I will not fall for another one of your DECIEVING witchcraft! Edelgard said herself that she never saw her mother before she was taken back to Enbarr! And that her mother... my stepmother perished before she even knew of her!"

"No..." Cornelia's confidence was shattered... "That was... my final plan... to break your friendship... your family... you... were supposed to..." She feels a sharp pain. "Agh!! Curse this... feeble body... you 'humans' are... so fragile..."

As Cornelia dies, her body disappears.

"Boar..." Felix scowled. "What is the meaning of this? Are you and Edelgard-?"

"Yes..." Dimitri answered. "Edelgard and I are stepsiblings... Her mother married my father..."

"It was during the Insurrection of the Seven." Rodrigue added. "Lady Patricia had fled with Edelgard, and her brother, Volkhard von Arundel, towards Faerghus and she had married Lambert in secret... but a few of the circle of the royal city of Fhirdiad, me included, knew of the marriage."

"In reality... her name is Anselma." Aster nodded. "And she was one of the concubines of Emperor Ionius vom Hresvelg IX. During her time in the Kingdom, she was very kind to me... it seems that her isolation was starting to break her..."

"Anselma was the one who nursed me whenever that lady, Cornelia, would use me as a lab rat for the... 'enhancements' of my Crest." Hapi added. "To think that Eddy and Didi were siblings eversince... Nine Years ago."

"Unbelievable." Felix was shocked. "Why would you keep this a secret, Old man."

"I'm sorry, Felix. Glenn." Rodrigue sighed. "If word that the King of Faerghus married one of Emperor Ionius IX's brides spread, there would be a lot of revolts."

"So that was why... it was kept... a secret..." Glenn stated. "To protect... herself..."

"Let's meet up with the others and-"

Suddenly, an earthquake occurs. Aster saw a dark bubble somewhere in the battlefield.

"Oh no..." Aster thought to herself. "The forbidden spell of Zahras..."


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