Paralouge: Of Ministers and Heirs (Caspar, Linhardt and Ferdinand)

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"And I'm telling you, the man ran off once heard how strong my Father was!" Caspar was telling Linhardt some stories about his father as they were approaching Byleth's office.

"There is no need to repeat that story again, Caspar." Linhardt sighed. "We all know how strong your Father is."

Byleth chuckled when he saw his former students talk, reminding him of the time they were at the Officers Academy.

"Oh." Caspar turned to see Byleth. "Sorry, Professor. Didn't mean to interrupt your work."

"It's alright." Byleth smiled. "I actually enjoy the company."

Suddenly, Counts Leopold von Bergliez and Waldemar von Hevring entered the room.

"Pardon the interruption." Count Hevring said. "We have some news coming by."

"Father? What are you doing here?" Caspar shook his head.

"Father as well?" Linhardt hummed. "This seems pretty serious."

"It is." Leopold shook his head. "Apperently, Her Highness, Princess Edelgard, got word of a current coup in Aegir... it seems that the Aegir soldiers and the Hrym Citizens."

"It seems that she wants the both of us to put an end to this." Waldemar added. "However, since this is an emergency, Leopold and I decided to ask you two to help us."

"So we're going to the battlefield?!" Caspar sounded excited. "Heck yeah! Time to take dowm some jerks!"

"Must we really go, Father?" Linhardt sighed.

"Unfortunately, we have no other choice, son." Waldemar sighed. "Even with those not of our territories, as ministers, we must keep the peace of the people of Adrestia."

"Let's go and solve this problem!" Caspar shouted.

"I'm coming with you." Byleth stood up from his chair.

"Professor, are you certain?" Caspar said, surprised. "You do have to foresee Edelgard's coronation after all."

"She'll understand." Byleth said. "And she knows I can handle myself in battle."

"Wonderful!" Leopold chuckled. "Our soldiers are going to gain lots of morale now that the Ashen Demon is joining us!"

Byleth's expression changed upon hearing the name "Ashen Demon". That name brought him memories... but not pleasant ones. He always heard that name whenever he was doing missions with his father and his sister... but now Jeralt is dead and Beles is at Faerghus.

"Anyway, let's get going before things become a mess." Waldemar said.

As they arrive to the border of Aegir and Hrym, a battle had already begun.

"My, it seems that the battle has already begun." Count Hevring sighed.

"Let's focus on evacuating the civillians and stopping the aggesive soldiers!!" Leopold said.

"Right!" Caspar nodded.

As they fought and evacuated the civillians, Byleth approached Linhardt.

"Linhardt, do you have any idea why Hrym is like this?" He asked.

"According to Father, Duke Aegir has been putting lots of taxes on the people of Hrym after the passing of Viscount Victoria von Hrym..." Linhardt answered. "but things have changed after he has been arrested the people of Hrym started revolting since they have held a grudge on Aegir."

Linhardt casted Heal on an injured civillian who was unrelated to the conflict.

"Since Ferdinand is the heir to the Prime Minister Position, he will be in charge of keeping the peace of Hry-" He then sees Byleth shaking. "Professor? Byleth?!"

Byleth collapsed. Was Sothis awakening? No. That can't be true. He had been controlling his power ever since the incident at the Holy Masoleum.

"PROFESSOR!!" Linhardt's shout got him back to reality as a Cavalier was about to attack them.

Suddenly the slice of a lance stopped the enemy soldier, killing him and sparing the horse.

"Are you alright, Professor? Linhardt?" A familiar voice was heard.

"That voice..." Byleth stated. "Ferdinand?"

Ferdinand appeared, riding on his horse.

"It is a relief to see you both unharmed." The orange haired young man said. "But we must focus on the battle at hand."

"You are right, Ferdinand. I am sorry." Byleth nodded.

As the battle ended, many Hrym rebels were arrested and those who have been injured were tended to. Byleth, Linhardt and Ferdinand met up with Caspar, Waldemar and Leopold.

"Ferdinand?!" Caspar shook his head. "What are you doing here?!'

"I decided to do the right thing in fixing the mistakes my Father made." Ferdinand sighed. "He may not have had the right mind, but he is still a noble... a noble that walked down the wrong path."

"The war between Aegir and Hrym has stopped... for now." Waldemar said. "But I'm afraid that the time for rest might be short."

"This wasn't only a battle for the Peace of Adrestia." Byleth said. "This was a battle of Ministers and Heirs."

"That is indeed the point." Leopold nodded. "I am starting to understand why you chose to teach our sons' house."

"Even if I may not be a Professor anymore... They are still my students." Byleth smiled.

"No wonder why Edelgard is so smitten with you, Professor. You have that air of kindness within you." Ferdinand said.

Byleth blushed in response.

"Anyway, let's go back to Enbarr." Waldemar said. "We have a lot to report to the future Emperor."

Everyone left. Linhardt stayed behind and watched as people would have to rebuild their lives after what happened.

Something he might never forget... is the memory of what happened to him in Hevring territory. When he broke down infront of his parents, classmates and professor.

All because he was kidnapped alongside Flayn and Monica.

Perhaps he would get more answers if he spoke to Camila again.

"Lin?" Caspar's voice was heard. "Are you coming?"

"Ah." Linhardt shook his head. "My apologies."

Despite the tranquility, a dark cloud looms above the skies of Adrestia.


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