Chapter 14: The Ochs Ambush and the Galatea Gleam

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"Oh. You're awake." Camila smiled as Byleth opened his eyes. "Thank goodness."

"Summoner?" Byleth said, his voice still weak after what had happened to him. "Is it you?"

"Yeah." The brown haired girl nodded. "I could go get your father, but he is busy talking to Lady Rhea about ways to heal you."

"Father... talking to Lady Rhea?" The Professor was confused, but relieved that he put his job aside to take care of him.

"Yeah." The Summoner said quietly. "This is what happened while you were in bed."

Camila then told Byleth what happened with Miklan at Conand Tower and the rescue of Flayn and Linhardt.

Byleth felt furious when he was told Linhardt was abducted by Ótr.

"That man..." He growled. "He will pay for hurting my beloved student."

"Calm yourself." A voice was heard. "Anger will make things worse."

They turn around to see Monica entering the infirmary.

"Sorry for the interruption." She bowed. "But I was about to talk to Lady Edelgard about a letter I got from my father."

"Edelgard." Byleth tried to get up, but couldn't because of the pain.

"Don't." Camila warned. "You'll make things worse if you move too rashly."

"She has a point." The red haired girl nodded. "I can bring Lady Edelgard if you want."

"Please do." Byleth nodded.

Monica left the room as Camila sat back down.

"Your family is worried sick about you." The brown haired summoner said. "And so are your students. And you haven't recovered enough to participate in the Battle of the Eagle and Lion."

"The Battle of the Eagle and Lion..." Byleth sighed. "Lady Rhea was looking forward to seeing me participate."

"Well..." The quiet summoner looked down. "The Holy Masoleum changed her plans. Here." She gives him some water. "You must be thirsty."

Byleth drank the water and a bit of his pain went away.

"It still burns..." Byleth looked down as he hid some tears. "The pain happened all because I was protecting my students."

"Byleth." Camila held his hand. "You are such a kind soul. Everyone adores you for that. And you are very selfless. You may not show it due to your lack of emotion, but you care deeply for your students and your family."

Byleth was shocked that Camila didn't call him "Professor", but he smiled. He dries some tears, but he maintains his kind smile.

Suddenly, he saw she was hiding something with her other hand.

"What are you holding-?" He coudln't finish his sentence when he felt his hand was touching something... Flora.

"Flowers." She said. "I couldn't figure out a birthday present for you."

Byleth realized it was his birthday... and also his sister's birthday... and Sothis' birthday.

"You remembered..." He gasped.

"Funny that I forget people's birthday... except my own and my family." She let out a quiet laugh. "But... these flowers were the best ones I could find."

Byleth looked at the flowers... they would remind him of Sitri, his mother. He never met her because she died giving birth to him and his sister.

"Is something... wrong?" Camila had a concerned look on her face.

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