Bonus: Support: Mourning (Byleth and Shelle)

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Reminder: Shelle is Female Shez.

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Byleth was the most affected person by Jeralt's deaht since he witnessed it. There was nothing that could cheer him up... Sothis' banter was shallow to him, he could barely eat anything, the Valerians Camila gave him for his birthday were to hard ay the touch despite them never wilting because Hilda teaching her a special technique and not even Manuela was able to cheer him up.

In the morning, he would lock away in his room while at night, he visited Jeralt's grave.

One night, he went to the greenhouse to grab Valerians... his favorite flowers. Beles' favorite flowers... Sitri's favorite flowers... JERALT'S favorite flowers...

As he picked them up, he heard some footsteps. He had many guesses.

Edelgard oftenly checks on him ever since the accident at the Rite of Rising. Beles and Lysithea's rooms were next door to the Greenhouse. Camila would see him if either she wasn't asleep early or Alfonse wasn't having a nightmare. And Bernadetta would sneak around at night.

"Still broken, eh, Ashen Demon? Or should I call you Professor?"

Byleth turned around to see SHELLE of all people.

"It's you... the mercenary that saved my life." He smiled a little. "But can you please stop calling me the Ashen Demon... or Silent Cinder...?"

"I have one question to ask..." Shelle glared at him. "Do you remember Berling's Mercenaries?"

Byleth looked down. And let out a broken reply.

"Yes." He said. "It... was an experience I regret deeply because of my lack of expressions."

"You what?" Shelle was shocked. "When you almost killed me and my brother, you didn't look fazed at all."

"You're right about that..." Byleth added. "When we retreated, part of me wondered how you felt when I almost toom your life. And how unfair I was before my sister showed up to sign the retreat."

"You want to know something...?" Shelle changed her tone. "You're not the only one who lost a loved one."

"You lost someone closed?" Byleth was surprised.

"Yup." Shelle nodded. "I barely knew my real parents and my adoptive mum died of an illness. She was my rock after all. I was reminded of her when you lost Jeralt."

Byleth started sobbing again. Shelle went and hugged the Professor. It was heaetbreaking for her to see her and Shez's longtime foe in despair.

"Chin up." She said. "Your students want to see you all gloomy."

"Thank you." Byleth nodded and smiled as he dried his tears.

The Black Eagle Professor left the Greenhouse.

"You seem to be in good terms with him." Arval said, appearing next to Shelle. "I am surprised to see that the Ashen Demon has changed after becoming Professor."

"I know, Arval." Shelle nodded. "It's like our goal will have to change."

"Indeed." The white haired person added. "And I will be by your side... my Dear Partner in Destiny."


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