Paralouge: Lost family (Seteth, Flayn, Rhea and Camila)

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Flayn was walking around nervously. Seteth said he had some buisness to do, but he hasn't returned.

"Flayn?" Rhea approaches her. "You look rather worried. Is something the matter?"

"Oh. Rhea." Flayn turned to the Archbishop. "My brother went to do something outside of Garreg Mach, but he hasn't returned."

"I see..." Rhea nodded. "And you want to ensure he is safe?"

"Yes." Flayn nodded. "But if he saw me, he would be mad... I heard the Summoner went with him."

"Ah." The Archbishop sighed. "Come now. Let's go head out."

"Alright." The mint haired girl nodded.

Leaving Catherine in charge of Garreg Mach for a while, Rhea and Flayn headed off to the Rhodos Coast.

Camila was nearby, using Sword Breidablik to hold back some enemies from the Western Church.

"Archbishop Rhea!" The brown haired summoner turned to see them. "Flayn! Thank goodness you're here! Seteth and I got separated when the Western Church attacked us."

"My brother is in trouble?!" Flayn gasped.

"Sorry." The Askran Summoner shook her head. "They were too fast."

"You have done a good job in holding the enemy back for the time being." Rhea smiled. "Now let us-"

Suddenly, some magic is casted on the Soldiers of the Western Church.

"What the?" Camila thought to herself.

Flayn and Rhea looked around for the source of the magic.

"I'll go find Seteth." Camila said.

Rhea responded with a nod and the brown haired girl left to search for Seteth.

"To think that you still work with these naïve humans, Seiros?" A woman's voice is heard.

Rhea and Flayn turned around and see two figures: a woman and a girl. Both have blond and teal hair and mint eyes. The woman glared at Rhea.

"Aunt Gamora! Cousin Maida!" Flayn chirped.

"Cethleann. Long time no see." The girl, Maida, waved at her.

"These so called 'Western Church followers' do not know how much all of us went through." The woman, Gamora, scuffed. "Though I do appreciate that girl for her dedication."

"She was even worried for Uncle Cichol." Maida nodded. "Even if she may not know him, she is really courageous."

"We have to help him out." Rhea said. "We do not have the sacred weapons, but we'll do all we can."

Meanwhille, Camila managed to find Seteth. He had small injuries, but the Summoner managed to heal them.

The ground started to shake.

"Something's coming." Seteth said.

The Brown haired summoner didn't have the chance to reply when a snake-like demon crawled out and attacked them.

Camila used magic to repel it, but the spell barely did anything.

On the floor were corpses of Western Church Members that struggled to fight it.

The Demon attacked again. Camila blocked the attacked with magic.

"What can I do?" She thought to herself. "This beast blocks all my attacks."

"Brother!" Flayn's voice was heard as she and Rhea arrives. Gamora and Maida hid somewhere for a sneak attack.

"Flayn?!" Seteth gasped. "Why are you here?! It is dangerous!"

"I was worried you would never return! Let me protect you!"

"We are in this together, Seteth." Rhea nodded.

The four them attempted to fight the monster. Rhea was fighting with the Sword of Seiros in hand.

"Friends!!" Maida shouted as she passed a spear and a staff.

"The Spear of Assal and the Caduceus Staff..." Flayn thought to herself. "I thought the Western Church had them..."

The creature attempted to attack Maida, but Flayn weakened it with a Cutting Gale.

Gamora then sliced the back of the demon.

Camila dealt the final blow on the monster, making it disappear.

"Goddess." Rhea prayed. "Have this poor soul rest in peace."

"Father... are you hurt?" Flayn asked.

"Wait... Father?" Camila asked.

Silence occured. Gamora nods at Seteth, a sign meaning that it is time for her to learn the truth.

"I suppose now is not the time to hide." Seteth said. "Flayn is... actually my daughter. The woman who helped us out is Gamora, my sister, while the girl is Maida, my niece... Flayn was... targetted a lot because of her rare blood... which is why we had to hide our identities."

"Does that make Rhea...?" Camila asked.

"Our sister..." Gamora answered. "In reality... their names are Seiros, Cichol and Cethleann. You have been at Zanado, right?"

"Yes." The summoner nodded. "We had to stop some bandits."

"That... was once our home..." Gamora sighed. "We ran away while vile souls slaughtered our family..."

Rhea shivered... as if something traumatic was being remembered.

"Apologies, Seiros." Maida nodded.

"Now... you three. Go back to your home." Gamora said before she and Maida disappeared.

"Where did they-?" Camila asked.

"They must have left to Lake Teutates." Flayn stated. "Seeing them makes me happy... yet sad..."

"I feel the same, Flayn..." Seteth nodded before turning to Camila. "Before we return, promise you'll keep this a secret."

"Of course." Camila nodded.

Seteth would know... that one day... that promise would be broken by someone he trusts.


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