Chapter 15: Field of the Eagle and Lion

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It was almost time for the battle of the Eagle and Lion. However, some changes have been made. Due to their current conditions, Byleth and Manuela will not participate and Hanneman decided to sit out on the battle as well, which leads to Beles being the only Professor to participate, which she believes it is unfair.

As for the students, for the Black Eagles Linhardt is still recovering from his kidnapping and Dorothea is helping Ingrid recover, so Flayn and a reluctant Monica will be participating for them. And for the Blue Lions, since her Crest has been temporarily Nullified, Ingrid was forced to sit out so she could recover, so Valeria is participating for her.

The Black Eagles were strategizing.

"How come the Golden Deer isn't affected?" Bernadetta complained.

"I believe they aren't as connected to the Professors as us." Ferdinand insisted. "And not only that, they don't have extra students, those being Monica and Valeria."

"Remind me why I'm here again?" Monica felt conflicted. "I am a year past you all and I had already done the battle of the Eagle and Lion."

"Because Linhardt still hasn't recovered from what happened last month and Dorothea is helping one of our classmates from the other house recovered." Hubert sighed. "Lady Edelgard was trying to have you sit out, but the Archbishop insisted you would be involved so the Black Eagles couldn't be outnumbered."

"Even if I have no choice, I will fight for Lady Edelgard!" Monica nodded.

"Flayn, is this not being your first of battles?" Petra turned to Flayn. "You do not seem to be of nervousness."

"I shall give it my all!" The mint haired girl giggled.

"Alright, everyone." Edelgard said. "Even if the Professor isn't battling with us, you all know the drill. Seize the ballista at the center when the chance comes."

Meanwhille, the Blue Lions are trying to get into their positions.

"Why are you hiding in the woods, Valeria?" Annette asked.

"I have really good eyesight." Valeria said. "That will make for great sneak attacks."

The Golden Deer were discussing strategy until...

"Claude, everyone focused on the hill in the center." Lorenz suggested. "Perhaps our plan is to capture it."

"Are you certain, Lorenz?" Claude huffed. "Very well. Don't hate me if you lose first."

The Ashen Wolves had the most experience in battle, Yuri, Balthus and Constance had each participated in the Battle of the Eagle and Lion before.

"If I am to be used as a decoy for our foes... let me be of service, no matter what." Constance said in her sunny form.

"And of course, it's sunny." Balthus sighed. "Let's win this battle and make sure Constance gets back to Abyss."

"You really are impatient, B." Hapi shook her head.

"Calm down, you two." Rene stated. "And have your energy for the upcoming battle."

"Yuri, is everything alright?" Aster went to her house leader.

"Yeah." Yuri stated. "I was just making sure everything was in check."

"Why am I here?" Camila asked, seeing herself as the weakest of the wolves.

"Because we are part of this house." Alfonse stated.

Suddenly, trumpets could be heard as Rhea stood at a cliff facing the battlefield.

"Black Eagles, Blue Lions, Golden Deer and Ashen Wolves!" She said. "Today is the day of the battle of the Eagle and Lion. The house with the most students wins and the students that dealt the most damage will be rewarded. Now." She raises the flag of the Church of Seiros. "Begin!"

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