Chapter 24: Nightmares

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Eitri, Ótr and Thales, the man who killed Jeralt, were having a conversation.

"What do you mean you have lost sight of the Kingdom?!" Ótr growled. "It was supposed to be part of our plan to destroy that wretch of a church and take the Prince and the Summoner!!"

"We were supposed to infiltrate that Monastery, yet Ishta fled from our grasp, that Monica girl is alive, the traitor took Kronya and the Prince's sister joined them." Thales hissed.

"So Princess Sharena joined them." Eitri smirked. "This will be an interesting turn of events. You still have the sword Gramr, right, Ótr?"

"Of course, I do." Ótr nodded. "This is what keeps Fáfnir under our control."

"The Empire is still under our control." Thales said. "And soon, with the mages placed in Ordelia, we will invade the Allience."

"The Allience is just a bunch of stubborn nobles who refuse to even agree on one single topic." Ótr added. "A circus run by their ringleader, Duke Oswald von Reigan."

"Soon, we will free our people from these wretched beasts!" Thales laughed.

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Alfonse couldn't sleep. His nightmares had returned... but they were worse... Princess Nótt dying, Reginn killing Fáfnir, Veronica turning on the Order of Heroes... and Zacharias perishing by hia hands.

He decided to go to the cathedral for a bit. Thanks to Camila, he has been going to the cathedral to look up at the Star at the Goddess Tower.

On his way, he saw Linhardt... praying?

"Linhardt?" He approached the green haired boy.

"Oh. Prince Alfonse." The sleepy noble turned around. "What are you doing here?"

"I was going to stargaze at the Goddess Tower since I've had trouble sleeping." The blue amd blond haired young man answered.

"So you have nightmares as well?" Linhardt gasped.

"As well?" Alfonse shook his head.

Linhardt sighed. The Askran Prince knew it was a hard detail to reveal.

"Before I enrolled into the Officers Academy, I've had countless nightmares about being trapped in eternal darkness." Linhardt explained. "The only people who would help me calm down were my mother and Caspar."

"What about your father?"

"Father was busy with the Ministry of Domestic Affairs." The green haired boy yawned. "If he wasn't working, he would cheer me up. The nightmares got worse when I got kidnapped by..."

Linhardt started to shake, ever since his kidnapping, remembering the events or even mentioning Sirena, his captor, would cause him to panic. He had to take deep breaths for the shaking to stop.

"Sorry." He apologized. "I am still not accostumed to these events."

"It's alright." Alfonse nodded. "I too get terrible nightmares."

"You do?" Linhardt gasped. "Since when?"

"I cannot remember when they first started. But they must have gotten one day... when I was abducted by a goddess named Thórr, she used my powers to wreak havoc in a different world. I had to be rescued by my sister... Camila blames herself for not being there for me... so she is trying her hardest to calm me down."

Linhardt looked quietly. It is hard to imagine a determined prince having nightmares that would break his mind.

"By the way... why are you praying, Linhardt? I was told you're not devout."

Linhardt was caught off guard.

"So you noticed." He said. "Being the sun of a former nun at Garreg Mach must have beem confusing since praying would make me sleepy and I was only interested in naps and Crest research." He stretched. "But... everything must have changed when Professor Byleth chose the Black Eagle House."

"I see." Alfonse nodded. "By the way, have you seen the Blue Lions?"

"That..." Linhardt tilted his head. "The Blue Lions and Professor Beles returned to the kingdom to prepare Dimitri for his coronation. It seems Gilbert resigned as a Knight of Seiros and returned to serve the Royal family. Have you heard? Apperently, despite House Kleiman being Crestless, one of their children, Ilna, has the Minor Crest of Macuil."

"What?" Alfonse shook his head. "I thought House Ochs only had that Crest."

"Apperently not." Linhardt shrugged. "We don't know how Ilna got her Crest."

Petra arrived to the Cathedral, she was tasked to locate Linhardt.

"Linhardt, it is of lateness. We should be of going-" She notices Alfonse. "Ah. Greetings, Prince Alfonse."

"Hello, Petra." Alfonse waved at her.

"You have a point, Petra." Linhardt nodded. "Let's go to bed."

Meanwhille in Edelgard's room.

"So you wish to rid of Uncle Volkhard?" Edelgard gasped when she heard Ishta's plan.

"Yes." Ishta nodded. "Thanks to you and your retainer, I was able to live."

"Lord Arundel is a danger." Hubert stated. "And not only that, that summoner exposed him after Captain Jeralt was killed."

"Isn't your Professor mourning his father's death?" Ishta asked.

"Indeed." Edelgard said. "And not only that, Aster, our trump card, was able to save Kronya from his deception."

"Shall we undergo preparations, Lady Edelgard? Lady Ishta?" Hubert asked.

"Indeed." Edelgard nodded. "Tomorrow, we tell Lady Rhea."


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