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"Excuse me?" I say Indecisively as I approach the guy who helped me the other day (the wall clock person). He turns around and trust me when I say this he has the fluffiest hair ever! They just bounce on his head and well it is kind of attractive. "Yes? You need something?" Why would I need anything from him!? Oh yes....periods. jacket. Pads. Fuck.

"No no no, I just wanted to thank you for yesterday when you lent me your jacket. Here you go. It's cleaned and this chocolate too as a thank you and as an apology for bothering you." I say while I can feel my heart pounding as I am not really used to talking to people. Especially, when it comes to people like him, 6ft tall and with the fluffiest hair ever. "Oh... you know that you don't need to thank me but you're welcome and why are you apologizing?" He says and then asks Indecisively.

"Well...because I was very clumsy and I shouldn't have borrowed your jacket and you basically had to run and get my friends and pads for me... So, yeah" I say as I really not sure wtf am I even blabbering about.

"You know na that it wasn't your fault, right?" I am not sure if he's asking or telling me. "It is not?" I ask him. What? Why did I ask him!? How would he know!?

"Uhhmm...I don't really think it was your fault as it could've happened to anyone and isn't that completely okay? I am glad you were able to cope with it. I hope you are feeling better than yesterday." He finishes and I am awestruck. Why? Because no man or male talks like that.

"Ohh...okay...but like here's the chocolate just keep it as an apology even though you think it wasn't," I say sternly.

"Can I have something else other than this chocolate as an apology as you are insisting on it?" He says in a very weird tone. What does want from me? Does he want money? Is he going to blackmail me? Shit!

"Yeah....what do you want?" I ask Indecisively. "Can we be friends rather than strangers?" He asks in quite a manner full way. Why does he want to be friends with me? Me!? Why?

"Why do you want to be friends with me? " I ask him curiously. "I find you intriguing and well I would like to get to know you better. Is this much reason enough for you?" He answers and then asks with the most gorgeous smile ever.

"Ohh...okay? I guess...We can be friends if that is okay with you." Wait what? Friends? What...?

"I am more than okay with it! I am not gonna take this chocolate as you will need it more today instead I will take your word for our friendship." He says in a polite tone and with a smile.

The bell rang and our break was over. I turned around to get back to my class and I was stopped by someone. I turned around to see what it was and it was him. He is holding my wrist! What?

He takes his hand back. "Sorry, I forgot to ask your name." He says. "Oh yes, even I forgot to ask your name. I am Dhanashree Gohil." I say confidently.

"Nice to meet you Dhanashree, I am Saksham Verma. I hope we will get to know each other better." He says enthusiastically and takes his hand to shake with mine but changes it's direction to set his hair as an excuse as he sees me flinch. Or I am just thinking too much here. I don't know.

I turn to go in my class and he does the same. I stop and look back as I reach my classroom to check as if he's gone but no he is standing there and waves at me as I go inside. I wave back at him as I head inside. That was a weird interaction. Did I just make a friend out of nowhere? What!? Why did I do that again? Like why?

"Dude! What is wrong with you? You okay? You seem out of reality since this morning." Kanishka asks me and I flinch as I am caught off guard.

"Please remind me not to talk to people again. Especially boys!" I say in a stern tone. "Uhhm...okay bro, will do," Kanishka says confusingly.

I go and sit beside Ahana as I put my head on her shoulder while she pats me. She is reading something regarding history as she her next class is commercial arts. She loves painting and she paints sooooo beautifully.  I love her paintings and the way she paints them with so much precision, it's breathtaking.

"Kya hua baby? Sab thik hai? You need a Habibi hug?" She asks me with a concerned expression. "Yes yes, all good. I am just tired, third day hai na. And yes, I want a Habibi hug." I say in a strained voice.

(What happened baby? All okay? Do you need a hug?)

She gets up and comes around my place and gives me a tight hug while Kanishka watches from afar. She was never a huge person. In fact, she doesn't like skinship at all. But I love hugging her, she is so small like a cute little Lilliput. Ahana and I love to annoy her and I do that by hugging her. It's fun.

I hope you guys enjoyed the conversation Saksham and Dhanashree had. This was a short update but there are 2 more updates coming this week! Stay tuned! Please vote and comment.  It helps me a lot! Have a great day my lovelies 😘

Possibilities then?Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant