zombie parade

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I covered my mouth and nose with both my hands as I sneezed. 'it's that feeling again....' I think to myself, remembering the feeling I got when something bad is about to happen.

"the old zombie wannabe said that Gecko Moria's had his eyes on us ever since we were invited to this island. perhaps the curly cook's disappearance has something to do with Moria." we hear a laugh emit from the pig head after Franky finished talking.

I sigh and shake my head "I think he most likely made Nami his first priority when he saw how dangerous it could be." I guess and shrug it off. "that stupid cook! He had it coming...." Zoro glanced behind his back while speaking and he accidentally met my glare, his neck had never turned around so fast as he smoothly changed the topic.

"but I never expected to run into one of the shichibukai here." Franky is quick to ask "why would a pirate want to steal people's shadow?" I tilt my head slightly as I give it a thought "I would love to know!" Robin smiles and talks to the Pig head.

The pig head gets nervous and starts to stutter "I-I don't know anything!"'He definitely knows something...' I deadpan as I stare at the pig head. "I promised that geezer I'd kick Moria's butt..." Luffy, who was in the lead with his hands behind his head speaks "but that'll have to go on hold."

The pig head chuckles darkly once again "your missing friends are screwed anyway!" he continues to blabber "In fact, you're in no position to be worrying about others ..." his smile twists into a wicked one "not anymore.." He chuckles again.


"stop oinking and lead the way, you stupid piggy!" Luffy hits the Pig head and it makes a 'bonk sound' making me snicker. we keep walking in silence for a second until Zoro stops in his tracks and looks back. 

Franky and I share a look. "what's wrong?" Zoro answers Franky's question without delay "nothing, must be my imagination." I furrow my brows in confusion but don't question anything as we turn around again and resume walking.

A few more steps later I turn around when I hear Zoro's footsteps vanishing. "huh..?" I stare at the empty space behind me with a dumbfounded look.

"Hey! Oinker! did you pull another fast one on us? out with it!" currently the pig head was getting beaten by Luffy while Franky held it up. 

The pig head grits it's teeth as Luffy rubbed his fist on Piggy's head "Haven't I been telling you I'm in the dark?" right after, the pig head chuckles. 

Franky looks down at the Piggy in his hands, speaking to it "Don't laugh! it gives the impression that you're lying." Robin and I were brainstorming to figure out just how Zoro vanished.

"How strange. I wonder if he was strangled so he couldn't utter a sound." Robin earns a look from both Franky and I "Robin..." I sigh "why were your circuits wired to be so ominous!" Franky yells.

I look around for any clue "this is so weird! now Zoro's missing" Luffy speaks as he too, looks around. 'man, even that moss is gone...should I head out myself?' I debate wether I should leave or not. 'oh they'll be fine.' shrugs it off 'but what if they aren't...' 

after debating for a good minute I decide to stay with the group, those two can handle themselves. Out of the corner of my eyes, I can see Luffy putting on some gold, shiny armour. 'what's that idiot doing now..?' I deadpan at him.

Luffy comes forth from behind Robin and Franky, startling them both, only to trip and fall face-first. "pfft-" I quickly look away and hold in my laugh. 

Ero-cook's Sister |• Zoro X Reader •|Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang