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(m/n)= mother's name

(f/n)= father's name


The room was filled with utter silence.

No words left anyone's mouth as shock had taken over. Never had they expected what their kind yet somehow cold friend had gone through.

Some shed tears while some shook in there spot. Their emotions were all over the place. Now they understood why she always kept away.

All of them could see the tears begging to leave her eyes but she refused to let them go. Her frail and fragile side had now come out.

° A few hours before °

"I used to be a slave." As soon as those words left her mouth the whole ship fell dead silent. All eyes were on her however her eyes never met theirs.

With all the courage in her heart she continued "Before I was enslaved...I used to live with my mother." Her voice was shaky and her breath was uneven.

"She was a very generous and kind woman..or so they thought...only I knew her true nature only I saw what she hid behind that mask she wore."


"Yes! I agree. Your son is very smart!" No one knew her bright smile was just as fake as her personality.

"Tch. Shitty show-off." She hid behind the mask of her sweet and kind fake self.

"Why can't you be like him, huh?! You ungrateful child!" Not one bit of sympathy present on her face while she dragged her daughter by her hair.

"You good for nothing!" Her harsh words fell on now deaf ears as her daughter was used to the daily tantrum.

"Honey! Welcome home!" She had love for everyone but for her own daughter.. however...

It all changed one fateful day...


"Huh?" She got caught. Their daughter's bloody and bruised body was held high in her hands as she had been choking her.

"Honey! This-this is just-!" She let the girl drop and took steps towards her husband "Stop! Don't come closer!" His body trembled in fear and anger.

"What did you do to our daughter?" The anger in his voice was clear "sh-she is not ours! Let's forget her..have a new child." Her smile was back but this time it was creepy.

"What are you taking about?!" His shout made her freeze "that's our daughter, damn it!" Unknown to him she hid something in her hand.

"Dad..?" The quiet and broken voice made his eyes widen "r-.." he couldn't wait for her to finish so he pushed the woman aside and took his daughter in his arms.

Tears threatened to spill but he kept strong "let's get away from here...Kay?" He forced a gentle smile on his face and earned himself a weak nod in response.

"Dad I-" her small eyes saw what no child should. The drops of her father's blood fell on her tiny face. None of them had seen (m/n) get up.

"Ah! (f/n), look what you made me do!" The knife that hid in her hand was now deep in (f/n)'s neck. "I wanted a new child with you...but that's too bad." Her psychotic laugh filled the room.

Ero-cook's Sister |• Zoro X Reader •|Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora