Luffy and (y/n) vs Don Accino!

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"Let's do it!"

Gosh why is he so excited, well can't blame him I'm excited too. "Alright!" I smiled and reached out my hand for a high five which I got from Luffy.

Luffy punched down into the ice and pulled out a huge chunk of ice. He threw it above us, while it came down Luffy stretched his hand back to attack "Gum-Gum no.." The chunk of ice came down but before it could touch the ground Luffy attacked Don Accino "Bazooka!" The chunk of ice saved Luffy's hands from burning.

"Yay! He went flying!" "Amazing!" "Luffy!" Chopper, Jiro and Usopp cheered from a distanceThe dust from the impact covered Don Accino's body making it difficult to keep eyes on him.

"Curse you, strawhat!" He was crouched down and panted hard. The ice already melted behind him. "You're the first man ever to bring me to my knees and hands, strawhat."

"Glad you still got fight left in you." I smirked at him which only made him angrier "and you're the first to have truly made me mad!" He stood up and pointed at me. "I get that a lot."

"Heat level up: 5,500 degrees!" He raised both of his arms "hot omelet shots!" And two energy balls appeared in his hand probably made out of heat.

One of the ball came to Luffy and he barely dodged, his ass caught fire while I easily reflected the one that came in my direction. Watching Luffy run around screaming with his ass burning made me pity him "Need help Luffy?" He was quick to nod so I helped him out.

"Is food all you think about? No wonder you're fat." I yelled at Don Accino all the while reflecting his attacks that came my way meanwhile Luffy ran around trying to dodge.

The dust covered the battled field after Don Accino finally stopped throwing attacks blindly at us "you two are slippery brats!" Luffy and I got seperated due to him runing too far away "but you're done for straw hat!"

"Take this! Hot-Hot Gatling!" He copied Luffy's move. Don Accino attacked Luffy with his own move, he stood in his place creating more of those heat energy balls thinking we would be surprised and we were but.

This is what we were waiting for.

I smirked "Gotcha!" Luffy was a great distraction for stalling time. The huge water bubble that I had been creating trapped Don Accino's attack and turned it into steam. "What?!" He was taken aback and that gave us the time to land a blow. "Luffy! Now!"

I gave Luffy the signal and he ran towards Don Accino "but you'll burn!" Luffy jumped into the air ready to punch him "gum-gum no..." Quickly throwing the water bubble towards Luffy, I turned it into an armour "Knight!" We finished in sync

Successfully Landing a neat blow on Don Accino and sending him flying yet again Luffy high fived me. "This is so cool! I look so cool!" Luffy opened and closed his fists in awe with star eyes. 'its actually supposed to be a normal layer of water, I just made it like a armour so he doesn't find it boring...' I sweatdropped at my own thoughts.

"I don't care about your bounty anymore..." Don Accino's voice reached our ears and we soon saw him as the dust cleared out. "I'm going to melt you itno nothing but steam!" Because of his temperature the ice began to melt.

"Doesn't 300-million berry and 296-million berry steam sound luxurious?" He grinned my way and I cringed. "I'm not sauna, Naked balloon!" Luffy's nickname made me chuckle.

"Evaporate off the face of the planet, Strawhat!"
He attacked us with the same attack again. I began to reflect them away but As soon as I touched one to reflect it my hand burned "ow!" I jumped away and dodged as many as I could.

"Hot! Hot! Hot! That burns!" It seems I need to re layer. This layer heated up because of the amount of heat and contact made with Don Accino's attack. "sorry Luffy!" I quickly apologized and got rid of his armour.

"Better!" Luffy yelled in between dodging more attacks. "I can't re-layer Luffy. The water here is too hot." I mumbled to myself.

It's been a few minutes and he's not stoping! "Hey! Stop spaming attacks!" I yelled at Don Accino. "It's all your fault. Because of you, my darling daughter and sons were...! I'll never forgive you!" He continued attacking us non-stop.

"Second...gear!" Luffy's second gear is fast. If only I could combine it with one of my attacks! But which one? How? What do I do? Think (y/n) think!

"You're going to the new world?" Don Accino asked Luffy "yeah. After I get our Jolly Roger back." And Luffy replied with a grin. "You'll never get there. You're destination was set in stone a long time ago!" Don Accino attacked Luffy after finishing his sentence.

Luffy rolled to the left and dodged all his attacks. "I've already decided that's where I'm headed. I'm definitely going there after I kick your butt!" Luffy said slyly.

"Gum-Gum no!"

And then it hit me. 'I might not have cold water but it's still water!' I reached out my hand and made a gun shape with my index finger and thumb for better aim. "Suijin's wish : manipulation.."

Don Accino saw an attack coming his way by Luffy and in fear he threw more heat energy balls in his way, I saw Luffy hesitate a bit "I got your back!" With my reassurance Luffy stretched his hand back.

I made small bullets with the water I manipulated and shot them at Accino's attack, deflecting them through the bullet and clearing Luffy's way. "..Jet pistol!" His attack was so strong that Accino went through the walls of his own house.

"Wow he's really floating up there." I saw Don Accino in the sky above his house with a lot of Jolly Rogers floating in the air. "Wait what?!" Don Accino started flying towards us, leaving a trail of steam behind.

He landed in front of us and I saw the steam came out of his nose. "no wonder his family is weird." I chuckled. "My beloved Lovely land...and now my prized collection!" He glared at the two of us "I swear, I will personally take you out!"

Luffy took his attack position while I stood straight. "Hot-Hot powers, to the max!" He went full Pink! "Maximum level: 10,000 degrees!"

"You can still heat up?" Luffy's voice held irritation and I was irritated as well he just won't go down! "At this rate the ice won't keep up any longer." I could tell.

"Luffy you should take a break." I was worried for him since he was breathing very hard. "no I'm fine. Don't worry about me." He reassured me but I was still worried.

Don Accino had a burst of aura surrounding him which was because of his heat. "Woah calm down you balloon! You're going to destroy your lovely land!" My attempt to stop Don Accino failed miserably as Both Luffy and I were raised up by the platform under us rising.

"Sultry Hot Night!" This is new. Don Accino rolled towards Luffy and I. He crashed into the wall created by our platform as it rose up. "what the?!" Don Accino was climbing no rolling upwards.

I felt heat underneath my feet "Luffy move!" I pushed him aside a second early before Don Accino burst through and went above us. "Thanks (y/n)!"

"Don't mention it!" I quickly got up and saw Luffy roll out of Don Accino's way. He almost got crushed. "Gum-Gum no.." I felt Luffy's hand tie around me waist. "Oh no." His other hand tieing around a pole of ice.

"Rocket!" And before I knew it I was in the air with Luffy beside me. "Woah okay!" I yelled mid-air as Luffy removed his hand from my waist. I landed with a slide and turned back to see Luffy going gear second again.

"Gum-Gum no..Jet Pistol!" Don Accino was already on his way to us so he possibly couldn't dodge. Right? Wrong. He dodged Luffy's attack by stoping himself with his nose jet.

Don Accino flew around and finally aimed for Luffy. "Luffy watch out!" I gave Luffy a heads up but he was too late. "Hot-Hot head!" Before he could hit Luffy I jumped in and yanked Luffy down.

"(y/n)!" Luffy's worried voice reached my ears but I was fine since I can't take physical damage. Don Accino went through my water body since I'm a logia type. 'thank god that would've hurt like hell'

"I'm alright. Are you?" I helped Luffy up "yeah thanks!" He thanked me and glared at the empty space since  Don Accino was no where to be seen.

"It's okay I've got your back."

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