worst-case scenario!

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~zoro pov~

I started walking over to dartbrows and y/n 'what am I supposed to say? Tch' after reaching halfway there I looked back at Franky to glare at him and he made a 'shooing' gesture with his hands.

I gritted my teeth and continued walking towards them. I cleared my throat "ahem.." they both turned their heads toward me and then I saw y/n's red puffy eyes like she had been crying.

"Um..?" Y/n's voice reached my ears and only then had I realised I'd been staring for too long "right." I scratched the back of my head and looked back at Franky for some reason.

Franky mouthed 'ask her how is she' to me and I scowled "what is it?" The love-cook asked me with his annoying voice and I whipped my head to glare at him "hey..blondie, leave us for a minute" y/n sweatdropped and told the love-cook to leave.

Ero-cook sighed and stood up "you sure?" He asked y/n in a quiet voice and she only nodded in response so he left with a sigh.

I slid my hands in my pocket and glared at Franky until y/n got my attention "so..? What's up?" She asked while standing up and dusting her clothes "I um wanted to ask you.." I couldn't look at her in the eye!

"Ask what?" She now stood in front of me with her arms crossed over her chest "you okay?" It was barely above a whisper.

I saw her face fill with surprise and shock and then with a smug look on her face she asked "what..?" Leaning in a bit. Knowing damn well she heard me I groaned a bit and repeated "are you okay?"

"Oh? Is roronoa Zoro concerned about me?" She covered her mouth with both of her hands, faking shock and looked up at me.

I snapped my head in her direction and stammered "what? N-no!" 'Did I just stammer?embarrassing!' "Aw was that a stammer?" Y/n cooed. I glared at her.

"Shut up." I looked down at her.

"Make me." She held a smirk.

A few seconds passed and she finally realised what she had said as I saw her cheeks get a tint of red. It was only then that we noticed the lack of distance between us our bodies were almost touching.

I felt a weird feeling in my chest it was the same as that time Moreover I felt warm. Specially my face.....so I leaned in closer.

"You sure?" I had a smug grin on my face.

We both stood there without moving an inch, never breaking the eye contact, then only for a second I glanced at her lips which were so close that I could-

'No! What am I thinking?!' Maybe my eyes were playing with me but I saw y/n's eyes going down to my lips and as soon as our eyes made contact again the warm feeling in my chest rose.

We stood there in silence until y/n saw something behind me and her face went red, she sighed and backed up.

"Yeah marimo I'm totally fine!" She gave me a lopsided grin and before I could say something else we heard a noise.

~zoro pov ends~

~y/n pov~

I saw something falling down from the little opening above "from Robin?" Zoro asked, I was still standing near him and my mind was not functioning.

'WE WERE SO CLOSE.' kept repeating in my head and I knew I was red as a tomato. I tried really hard to keep my composure!.

"Robin-chan, I always believed in you!" I heard blondie yell and take out some cola "hey! Here's some cola, Franky!" "Sweet! You can leave the rest to me!" Franky seemed to be fired up.

A smile made its way onto my face as Blondie passed the cola bottles to Franky and he quickly put them in his refrigerator compartment 'or his stomach as I like to call it' his body started vibrating and then let out a lot of steam "Super! Cola replenished!" He shouted.

~soon after~

After blasting open the gate with his coup de vent, Franky got us all out with coup de boo only this time I was sitting on his shoulders with his head in my hands and I was in between blondie and Zoro. "We wasted a bunch of time down there, so let's get going guys!" Franky told us.

"Yeah!" Everyone cheered and started running towards an opening.

We made it out and saw stairs so we started running up the stairs, with Zoro leading the way. "Hurry! We've gotta get our flag back!" Usopp told him to hurry.

"You can count on me! It was around this floor!" Zoro said like he was pretty sure, he turned to the right and went into a room. "Sweet!" Usopp cheered.

"Around this floor?" Nami questioned "that doesn't bode well..." Blondie backed her up "are we sure we can trust him in the matter of directions?" I asked them.

After a bit more running we came to a halt in a room with doors all around "huh? Where is this?" Usopp asked "which room is it in, Zoro?" He questioned Zoro "Don't rush me." And Zoro answered looking around like a lost kid.

"How could I not?! Luffy's on his way!" Usopp shouted at Zoro, developing an irk mark on his forehead. I saw zoro's eyes shine as He remembered

"its this one!" He kicked open a door but it seems to be wrong. Then he cut another one "put'em up, you sauna freak!" He shouted with both his swords in his hands. I saw a rat run around the room 'they have a rat in their kitchen?'

"--He's this way!" "--Got it!" Zoro kept running from door to door with usopp right behind him meanwhile Franky, blondie, Nami and I saw them run around.

"--That way!" "--Got it!" This time they opened a door which had flour stored in it and because of Zoro cutting the door open all the flour fell on them.

Blondie bent down and touched the flour "oh! They found some high-end flour." He said happily with a big grin on his face while Nami and I shook our heads at these three "it figures!" nami said and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Maybe it was the next floor up." Zoro turned towards the way we came in "I can't trust you!" Usopp yelled as he stood up from the pile of flour he was in.

"if you don't remember, come out and say so!" He scolded Zoro and I laughed at them "what are you laughing at?" Zoro turned to me with gritted teeth "you're no longer moss-head" I giggled.

"See anything to point us in the right direction?" Franky asked us "at this rate..." He started "It'll be dark before we find it." I finished for him and he nodded his head.

"I know! We've gotta find the flad and fast! If luffy finds out about this..." Nami was cut off mid sentence by none other but Luffy's voice .

"Hey! Give back my flag!"

Luffy yelled at the top of his lungs and we could hear him clearly. Everyone stood therein shock "L-Luffy!" Usopp said out loud.

I ran to the nearest window down some stairs and snuck my head out "h-he's here!" I whisper yelled and ran back up "it's luffy!" I yelled frantically "w-we're doomed!" Usopp got down on his knees.

"We've hit the worst-case scenario!" He told us and I agreed "this really stinks..." Nami said "but we have to keep moving and find the flag before he does" I told everyone.

"tsk!" Zoro ran up the stairs "hey! Where are you going?" Franky asked Zoro "isn't it obvious? I'll use sheer willpower to get the Jolly Roger back if I have to!"

"Go wander these halls forever!" Blondie called after Zoro "shut up, you stupid cook!" Zoro replied and turned to go into another room and soon after we heard a noise as if he had fell into something, I chuckled and Franky smirked.


*A/n* hey y'all, hope you're doing alright. I'm sorry for the slow updates but I promise you I will end this book. ^_^

And sorry for the short update

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