the naked balloon

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"Don Accino..."

The man standing in front of them wasn't as scary as his name was, he was more like a 'naked balloon' as Luffy liked to call him.

"So he's the head of that family of bounty hunters, huh?" Franky wasn't sure what to think of him "what type of powers did he get from the Hot-Hot Fruit...?" (Y/N) was sure that the temperature had been going up and down and now she knew why "we will see" answering usopp's question, (y/n) dusted her hands.

"You're going to kick my butt?" Don Accino asked his question with a smug grin and a cigar on his lips "thinking back, I've met countless pirates who've made that same claim." He spoke in a teasing voice "Do you know what happened to them? Each and every one..." He trailed off as he heard

"--Gum-Gum no"

"You should let me finish talking!"

"..Pistol!" Don Accino put his hand forward as to stop Luffy's attack but Luffy retreated his hand before it could hit "Hot! Hot!" He blowed on his fist which was buring red.

"I can melt...." As Don Accino said that his hand glowed a bright red from the heat it released. He grabbed an beach umbrella and burned it until there was nothing left to burn "..anything I touch."

The surprise was evident on everyone's faces as they did not expect this from Don Accino. "Still think you can win?" He asked them with a smug grin planted on his face.

"Gum-Gun no Battle Axe!"

Yet again Luffy retreated his leg back because of the strong burn that he had just gotten "it burns!" His foot had steam coming out as Luffy blew on it.

"Luffy's attacks aren't working!" Blondie gritted his teeth and furrowed his brow in worry "he hasn't even touched the guy!" On the other hand Franky was much calmer but still worried.

"Bastard!" Luffy sprinted towards Don Accino, pretty pissed he attacked again "Gum-Gum no Gatling!" Trying his best to maintain his speed and attack Luffy continued to attack without even denting the guy.

"You still don't get it, do you?" Don Accino spoke more to himself than to Luffy, after a mere second Luffy jumped back and landed with a soft thud, hot steam came out of Don Accino's body while he stood there unfazed

"--He's hot! Hot! Hot! Hot!" Trying his best to get up from all fours, Luffy complained how hot Accino was. "--Luffy!" Usopp's worried scream made Don Accino laugh.

"You can't lay so much as a finger on me." He said as he posed "Damn it!" Luffy put his hands in his to cool them down "he's too hot to punch!"

"Lookie! Slip, slip, slip away!" Don Accino started sliding on the ice by using his devil fruit to melt the ice beneath him just enough to slide on it. "Wh-what?" (y/n) asked with a sweat drop and saw everyone's baffled expressions.

"I can even do stuff like this!" He said while slid across the ice "my entire body is suspended by the time bit of steam emitted from the ice melted by the soles of my feet." He explained to us.

"Awesome! That's so neat!" Luffy-obviously-thought it was cool and went ahead running to a chunk of ice that was curved from the edge. "What's he doing?!" Nami cried after Luffy "Yay!" He came sliding down from the edge as if he was on a skateboard.



Both of them kept sliding and sliding around like fools, completely forgetting they were fighting a few minutes ago. Everyone watched them with bored expressions as they waited for them to stop.

'sigh I hope Robin is not having a problem in there...also where is zoro? That moss head always gets lost! Only if I brought him with me..' (y/n) thought about holding zoro's hand and leading him to their ship 'no no! Don't think like that!' she scolded herself and shook her head to rid of thoughts like that 'god I'm blushing red now..great' sighing in frustration with red cheeks she saw Luffy and Don Accino stop.

Both of them panted hard, finally facing each other properly "your Hot-Hot ability isn't all that bad after all!" Luffy grinned at Don Accino which was replied to with a laugh "just what I should have expected from a 300-million Berry bounty." Don Accino grinned back.

"You're pretty good!" They both exclaimed in sync.

"Good at what?!" Nami, Sanji and (y/n) asked at once in a pissed off tone."but..." Don Accino let out some steam from his nose and continued to speak "..the real fight has just begun!" He said all the hile started spinning, creating some-what of a tornado.

"Wh-what's that?" (Y/N) asked her friends hoping to get an answer but everyone else was just as confused. "Hot makeup!" Luffy was alerted and ready for an attack to come his way but it didn't..

"What?!" Luffy's confusion was clear in his voice as he saw the tornado miss him and fly towards his crew, the tornado was too small to damage the whole crew so it went for one person and that one person turned out to be (y/n).

~(y/n)'s pov~

"Wha-?!" I almost dodged but I was stuck between Blondie and Nami. "--shit!" I yelled out in frustration because I couldn't see a damn thing! "(Y/n)!" I could hear Blondie's muffled voice from outside "I'm alright! Get away!" I shouted as loud as I could.

The wind inside was violent which caused some loose strand of hair to whip around wildly. "Since she has the wate-water fruit she's a threat to me so I'll Target her first! Hot-fried Tofu!" Don Accino rose his hands up, making me float above.

"Chopper!" I could hear something was happening outside and I felt awful and angry for not being able to help. "You naked balloon! Let me out!" I struggled to get my posture right.

"Don't throw a hissy fit. I'll play with you now." Don Accino spoke with a smile and he suddenly made the tornado vanish which concluded in me falling down.face first.

"Ready for the finishing move?" His stomach glowed a dark red "steam..Iron!", sprinting towards me, he jumped up and...."AHHH!" I screamed as I saw his stomach fall my way from above and before I could dodge he crushed me.

"(y-y/n)!" Chopper shouted in worry, the steam caused by Don Accino's heated stomach touching Ice made it hard to see what had happened.

~3rd person pov~

Everyone feared for the worst, the hole shaped perfectly by (y/n)'s body was a scary sight to see. The steam still coming out of the hole made Luffy worry even more. "Oi! Stop hurting my crew! This fight was between you and me!" Don Accino ignored Luffy's claims and laughed at the sight infront of him.

"Heh.." everyone turned to the cook of the strawhats after hearing him chuckle, they watched as he lit a cigarette and smirked. sharing a confused glance with her crew members, Nami asked out of curiosity "What is it sanji-kun?".

"You'll see"

As soon as those words left his mouth they all turned their heads toward the hole made by Don Accino which now started to crack. Feeling a bit pale, Don Accino decided to end this before something else happened.

Keeping his smug grin he spoke "Now then, it's bout time I took your head-" before he could say more he shut himself up, trembling in fear he saw the sky get darker "what?!" His question was soon answered by a spear barely missing his head.

~(y/n) pov~

"That hurt! Damn it!" I dusted my shoulder and jumped out from the hole I was in. "Y-You didn't take any damage?" Don Accino asked in surprise and shock at the sight of the girl he had just attacked.

"I have the water-water fruit idiot, I can't burn." 'that was a complete lie. I can still turn to steam!" Hiding the pain with ease I explained more to my crew than to him. "Woah! I forgot! That's so cool (y/n)!" Luffy's compliment made (y/n) confused "wha-? What was so cool about it?"

"Is that right? This time I'll melt your entire body in a flash.." speaking in the same tone as Luffy, Don Accino got ready to attack yet again " I don't have to endure any more of your insolent garbage!"
His face went beet red while steam escaped from his nose and ears, soon followed by his full body "Heat Level Up: 3,000 Degrees!"

"That's an impressive amount of smoke!" Luffy spoke from next to me 'does that even matter right now?!' I tilted my head to the side and let out a sigh. "This isn't smoke!" Don correct Luffy "we just can't touch you, right?" My smirk was tough to hide as I thought about an idea.

"Luffy! Time for our own combo attack!"

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