happy memory~

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Not dead yet!
Sorry for not uploading in such a long time, had my exams, they went awesome! Anyways lol let's continue with the story shall we..


My eyes widen at chopper's scream. Marimo and I shared a look of shock. As soon as I heard another scream from chopper I rushed to the closest window to peer down.

marimo slowly walked towards the window and glanced down in confusion "huh?" He made a confused noise at the sight of Luffy trying to fish something out of the aquarium that had pitch black water now.

We both saw Luffy almost falling in the aquarium but chopper held him back. When Luffy's upper half was soaked with black water.

"What's he doing...?" I questioned out loud and Marimo just shrugged in response. "Gum-Gum no Gatling!" He started attacking blindly in the water.

I shook my head at his antics "hey, Marimo..." I opened up the window infront of me "...let's continue this later." Before waiting for a response I jumped down.

I chuckled when I heard marimo's confused and shocked voice. After landing on the water surface that automatically came to soften my landing, I logged my way to Luffy and Chopper.

"What's up?" Chopper looked at me in relief while Luffy held a pout. "y/n! Usopp's down there somewhere! Help us!" I sighed before pushing Luffy aside.

With a flick of my wrist, the water rose with Usopp who was covered with many small octopi. "Woahhh.." both Chopper and Luffy were awe-struck as they saw the water form into a bubble with Usopp inside and float towards the side.

The bubbled popped causing the octopi covered Usopp to fall. "He's alive!" Luffy smiled "what a relief.." while Chopper let out a breath he was holding.

Usopp got up and screamed first thing "your punches nearly killed me!" I chuckled a bit "ah..thank you y/n! You really saved me there!"

He scratched the back of his head with a smile. "No problem, just be careful next time." I replied with a smile of my own.

"All this over some measly octopi." Blondie had his hands in his pocket while he walked towards us with a sour expression.

Usopp's mood instantly changed "you're the one who said to go get them!" He yelled at Blondie with and vein popping on his forehead.

~zoro pov~

"What were they doing." I spoke out loud to myself. Being tired with the little training session y/n and I had, I sat down near my swords.

Resting my head on the palm of my hand I stared at the ocean from the window that y/n had jumped out of.

'why does she call me marimo? I bet it's because of that dart-brow.' I groaned when the stupid cook's face appeared in my mind.

'i have to workout more since I lost to y/n.' the memory of y/n easily blocking my attack and getting behind me in the time I recovered made me clench my jaw.

'Not only that but making me fall too! How embarrassing.' I sighed but I felt heat rise up to my face as I remembered her face while she laughed. 'so...cute-"

"Tch.." I turned my head away in embarrassment with a scowl on my face "oh?" But from the corner of my eye I saw something in the water.

~zoro pov over and back to you~

"Hey, something's floating on the water." Marimo announced from the crow's nest. "Huh? Where is it?" The 4 of us made our way to the deck along with Blondie.

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