haunted or not?

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•y/n pov•

"Hm?" I opened my eyes on the sound of sunny's paddles appearing. 'wait. I'm sitting on sunny-' I was too late to realise that when we accelerate I'll fall back.

"Shit!" But somehow I found myself laughing. I held onto my seat, barely saving myself. The wind caused my hair to flow violently but I enjoyed it.

"Oi! y/n! You took my seat!" I heard Luffy from behind "sorry Luffy! But it's my seat right now!" I grinned back at him.

I saw Blondie and Marimo standing together, zoro's brown eyes met my (e/c) ones. It seems Blondie noticed. He nudged Zoro harshly and walked towards me.

"what was that for?!" Breaking the eye contact, Zoro shouted at Blondie. Not paying any mind to him I chuckled. He took off his suit and placed it on my shoulders.

I gave him a questioning look. "you're going to catch a cold at this rate, stupid." I draped my arms around his neck "Thanks!" I knew he could notice the happiness in my words.

He raised his brow at me but let it be. Soon everyone was gathered at the deck. The ship had returned to its calm pace. "We survived!" Usopp cheered.

Zoro spoke up "yeah. It's nice that we pulled through, but what's with this sea? It isn't night yet, but with this thick fog it's creepy how dark it is." He turned around to look at the sea with suspicions.

"Do you think we stumbled into that one sea? I'm not ready for this!" Nami came around with her face resting on her palm. "Oh well whatever. I'm going to change in my room and then sleep for a bit." I told them and went to my room to change.

°3rd person pov°

Usopp thought that they got to their destination and laughed "what? We're drawing up on Fishman island?" But oh how wrong he was.

Suddenly, Luffy was by his side with his hat shadowing his eyes in a creepy way "Nope! First we have to cross haunted waters." He was grinning in excitement.

Franky chose to join in "yep! Don't let your guard down." He smirked and narrowed his eyes at Usopp
He continued on with a low voice.

"From the looks of it, were already caught in the infamous...." Everyone could see the menacing look on the Cyborg's face was scaring the crap out of him "...Florian Triangle!"

"These are mysterious waters where everything disappears without explanation." Franky finished for Luffy. "I-It's h-ha-haunted...." Usopp was petrified.

Luffy laughed mischievously "these seas are haunted!" But it just ticked Usopp off. "What the hell?! And you all knew about this?! You never bother to fill me in!" He pointed at his crew while shouting.

chopper was clinging to zoro's leg "Zoro..." He cried as he was scared. However Zoro was paying no attention to him."Granny Kokoro gave us the heads up. There's a living skeleton!" Luffy explained to Usopp who just got more frightened.

"Only in your imagination. Don't scare him more than he already is." Sanji lit a match stick and spoke in a serious tone "Listen Usopp. In this sea, over 100 ships mysteriously vanish every year." The cook continued.

"And to top it off, I've heard ghost ships carrying the dead wander these waters. He held the matchstick under his face, trying to look more creepy with his smile. Chopper and Usopp both yelled out in fear.

"No! You shoulda warned me about this sooner!" Usopp held his head in his hands. "What good would it have done?" Sanji asked intimidatingly.

"I-I coulda prepared! I've gotta cover myself in atni-evil stuff!" He replied "Usopp, please let me borrow some!" Chopper spoke from down below. They soon stopped as they heard a sound from behind them.

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