mission: stall Luffy!

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"I've been searching for you"  Robin walked over to us "you're such a naughty girl, sending us a care package with cola inside! That's my Robin-chan!" Blondie praised Robin while doing his noodle dance.

"But isn't it strange? Only you got the red carpet! How'd you pull that off?" Franky's question made me quite curious "It looks like Luffy is here. He's come here for our Jolly Roger." Robin changed the topic with a smile

'hmm.. I'll ask her later'

"That's right! We're finished!" Usopp tightened his fists "No! We can still make it!" Nami reassured him calmly "This is Luffy we're talking about!" I chuckled at her determination "we can still weasel our way through this."--Got it!" "--You've got a point!" Both usopp and blondie had new hope now.

"Indeed. I don't know how Luffy learned about the flag, but it's not as though he witnessed it getting stolen." Robin explained.

"oh I see.." now I understood what she meant by weaseling our way through "Yep! Which means we've still got a chance!" Nami cheered.

"But how do we find the flag in this huge place?" I asked while looking around "I know where the Jolly Roger is. You can leave it to me." Robin answered

"woah" "sweet!" "Way to go Robin!" "You're far more reliable than that moss head." Everyone praised Robin "-talking about that moss head, where is he?" I intercepted the conversation.

"Probably lost again"


"We're counting on you, Robin!" Nami shouted after Robin and Robin replied with a thumb's up or should I say a lot of thumb's ups. "Now, then...!" Nami clapped her hand together "Guys, I want you to hear me out. Listen up."

~ a small time skip brought to you by Blondie's noodle dance! ~


All five of us stood at the entrance of the building side by side "--Hey, guys!" Luffy yelled at us "--You damn doting couple!" Usopp cut him off by shouting at the weird couple that stood in front of Luffy.

'the pheonix pirates seems to be helping us! Great job guys!' I smiled to myself after spotting jiro and the pirates stand behind Luffy.

"Yeah, you! I'm talking to you, the stupid doting couple!" Usopp shouted at them again when they turned to us.

  "constantly letching over a lady is outright pathetic...you stinking hound of a man!" Blondie gritted his teeth as he spoke to Salchow.

"we've still got a score to settle, Arbell.." I cracked my knuckles with a devilish smirk on my face.

"What's with these three, Darling?" Arbell spoke to Salchow "they're simmering with jealousy." Salchow smirked "aha!" Arbell changed her voice to the annoying one "--Talk about idiots!" "--Aren't they stupid?" Chu!

They kissed.

"Goodness..." I cringed "Hey, you jerk!" Blondie got worked up and started running towards them "--I won't forgive you!" He screamed "--Sanji!" Usopp called after him "Jerks! You let our precious Jolly Roger-" Luffy got cut off by Franky.

"where'd you go, you hockey freak?!" And strangely enough the hockey freak popped his head out of the snow "right here!" He replied. "Don't expect a repeat of last time!" Nami took out her clima tact.

"Let's go! C'mon!" Franky ran off with me and Nami beside him "let's go! C'mon! C'mon! C'mon!" Usopp kept repeating his words and spining around

"--Get your butt in gear, Usopp!"

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