You kept sprinting down the streets, chuckling. There was a park nearby, so you decided to hurriedly hide under a bench. Everything was so quiet. You didn't hear the stomping of combat boots or the crinkling of shopping bags.

Suddenly, you were being dragged out from under the bench by the ankles. You screamed and giggled.

"Get out of there!" A certain voice demanded.

Once fully out on the grass, Yoongi turned you over on your back and pinned your wrists down, hovering above you while you laughed.

"We can do this the easy way or hard way. Give me my phone back." He was smiling.

"Never!" You chuckled.

"Hard way it is!"

Yoongi clamped his teeth down on your neck, making snorting noises like a pig. You cackled while he gnawed and tickled your skin. He pretended to be like a savage beast as he shook his head and jaws on your neck and playfully growled. You couldn't move your arms and push him off from all the weight he was putting on them. While you were busy laughing and kicking, he swiped his phone back from your hand, then released you.

You threw your arms around him and tugged him down, your faces centimeters from each other while bearing huge grins.

Yoongi flopped over on the grass beside you and huffed. "All that running got me exhausted..."

You felt the crushing pressure in your chest, too. Yoongi took the grocery bags and sat on the bench you were hiding under. You decided to join him. He lifted his arm atop the rim of the backrest and you scooted closer until you leaned closely against him.

"Excuse me." A small voice sounded.

Yoongi looked at the boy in front of him with wide eyes of surprise. No kid ever had the courage to just walk up to him and grab his attention.

"How did you get that scar?" The kid asked so curiously.

"Uhhh..." Yoongi lost his words. He had no clue how to entertain a child.

You whispered an idea in his ear. He almost snickered.

He went on to use your fake story. "I had a face-off with a dragon. It scratched me with its spike tail and I lost my eye."

"You lost your eye?" The boy wondered with sparkles in his gaze.

Yoongi lowered his head and pried out the prosthetic eye, pinching it in his fingers to show the kid as he kept his right eye shut to not scare him.

"Whoa! Cool!"

Yoongi wore half a smile, trying to suppress the full one. He slipped the prosthesis back behind his eyelids.

"Youngsun!" Called a woman. The kid's mom came up behind him and took his shoulders, then began to apologize to you and Yoongi. "I'm sorry. His curiosity is going to be the death of him one day."

"Curiosity is good sometimes. That's how we met." Yoongi held you even closer against his body.

The mom took her son away.

"Well, that was.... interesting."

"You weren't sassy or rude. I'm proud of you." You gave him a hand to help him off the bench.

He took your offer and got on his feet with your help. "Saying all that was like tasting soap in my mouth."

"Shut up. You're a good guy. You just don't wanna be."

"Duh. You sound just like my girlfriend."

"I AM your girlfriend, jerk." You elbowed him.

"My point exactly."

You sighed, unable to hold a smile. "You're impossible."

Grabbing the grocery bags, you and Yoongi walked to the car.

At home, you cooked dinner together.

After dinner, lights were dimmed and slow music was played. You didn't do it.

Yoongi approached you with the softest eyes.

"What are you doing?" You were skeptical.

"Just shut up."

Placed on your lips was a warm kiss. When it was done, Yoongi looked deep into your eyes and grasped your hands, planting them on his neck where you liked to hold him. You cupped his jaw in your palm and grazed your thumb across the vertical scar on his cheek as you slid the other hand down to his collarbone. He took your hips and pulled you closer until you were standing on his toes. You moved the hand cupping his jaw to his shoulder for better balance.

"I don't think we ever had a good occasion to ourselves. And date nights and makeouts don't count." Yoongi recalled.

"We fixed your car together." You reminded him.


You grinned. "You're impossible. Do you even know how to slow dance?"

"Tch. No. Do you?"


"Well, it can't be that hard. People just waddle around like penguins. I think..."

A tiny giggle escaped your throat. "'Waddling' with you sounds romantic." You said almost sarcastically.

"If you'll have me." His low voice was soft like silk.

"Is that even a question?"

"Pf. No."

Grinning, you shared a kiss with him. When your lips parted and made that satisfying sound you always liked to listen to when you kissed him, he began to sway with the rhythm of the music. All you did was nuzzle him. There were little smiles on the creases of your mouths. And while your eyes were closed, listening to the music and feeling his slow and smooth movements, Yoongi was gazing very softly, very gently, very fondly at the one thing that actually made him happy after his brother. You sank and melted into his body, his arms slithering around your back to hold you tighter and closer.

This was home. Not the place you were at—the arms you were in. Home was always with you. It traveled with you wherever you would go; through the good and the bad. The place didn't matter. It was never a place. It was the people close to you that made home. Family. Home meant happiness, love, comfort, warmth, and hearth. And that's all Yoongi was to you. The apartment never felt like home without him in it. He was home.

Yoongi was your home.

(A/N: Sorry. I have no idea how to end this, and I'm just a sucker for romantic moments, so here we are. This is how I'm gonna end it. 🥰)

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