Chapter 46 - Express Yourself.

Start from the beginning

Is he about to laugh at me?

"I know, sweetheart,"

Wait, what?

"How do you know?" I asked him, unable to hide the shock from my face.

"Well, we have been very intimate over the past few days Lei, I felt it that night when you moved in, I didn't want to say anything because I figured you would tell me if you wanted me to know!"

So let me get this straight – Kevin knew about me being a virgin and he was still here. That had to be a good sign, right?

"I couldn't let you do this without knowing everything, it felt too much like deceit-"

"It changes nothing sweetheart, I am here because I love you and I want to be with you, if you still want me-"

"Still want you!?" I think my eyes suddenly developed those cartoon stalks when a character's eye bug out of their faces, "are you serious?"

"Well, this is a huge step Lei, and I don't want to make assumptions-"

"No. Make assumptions. I want you to take control, I want you to own me, possess me, I want you inside me so badly!" Heat blasted my face as I now seemed to have developed verbal diarrhoea.

"Oh sweetheart, I do own you. Every. Single. Inch. Of. You. Is. Mine!" He growled as he pushed into me until I was on my back and he was between my thighs, right where he should always be. "You do know what this means, right?"

"I-I-" I stumbled because I really was unsure of what he was asking me, "I'm not actually sure that I do-"

"It means that once I am inside you, once I claim that little cherry, you belong to me and only me, I do not share. I do not even like other men looking at what is mine," God, why was that so damn sexy?

Fuck, what did that say about me?

"Can you adhere to that?"

"To, belonging to you?" I asked and he simply nodded his head, "yes, that is all I have ever wanted!"

"That's my girl!" He growled before slamming his lips into mine and stealing my breath in a single heart-beat.

I had always been turned on by his kisses, but this was an utterly different type of kiss. This was a claiming, at its very rawest. My mouth moved compliantly with his until he had my mouth almost as wide as it could go, and his tongue delved into me with savage intent. Tasting, exploring, and dancing with my own tongue until we were both moaning and groaning hungrily.

I have never felt completely owned by just a kiss before.

I have never felt my arousal seeping out of me from a kiss before this man.

I don't know how long that kiss went on for, but it certainly didn't feel like long enough before he dragged his lips across my jaw and down the long column of my throat, nipping gently at my flesh when he grazed over my pulse that was thumping desperately inside of me. My blood felt like lava flowing through me as he lit me up with every little action, he inflicted on me.

Reaching my heaving chest, he used his mouth to tease the hard bud into a painful peak of arousal which I am pretty sure was connected to my pussy. All the times he has lavished my tits with his special attention – it has felt as if he was also stroking my insides as my cunt convulsed with the need to be filled. Using his hand on my other breast, he rolled the bud between his fingers as his teeth grazed against the opposite one. My moans were one continuous tempo of need at this point, but it was when his other hand grazed against my mound that I jolted with a wave of pulsing desire. Orchestrating his hand to move in time with his other hand on my nipple and his tongue against the other – it was a triple-pronged attack that had me boneless and shivering as my juices secreted from my pussy with an alarming flow. "Breathe sweetheart!" He let my breast go just as his middle finger breached my entrance, bowing my back, he plunged right down to the third knuckle and my cunt clamped down hard.

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