Chapter 42

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You lean against their shouler and move their hand to your arm while studying


You've finished your homework and now you're helping Harry with his. You're getting tired watching him hunched over, furiously scribbling down words.

He takes a break and leans back for a minute so you take the opportunity to lean on him and drop his hand over your arm.

At first he's confused then realizes you just want to cuddle.


He tries to go back to writing but it's a little frustrating with this position.

"Um, Y/N......this is very cute and all, but I can't write like this."


"Maybe once I finish, okay?"

You sigh and nod, moving off so he can write properly.


While staying up late to study Ron, at one point lets out a yawn and stretches. You take the opportunity to lean on him. 

He smirks, dropping his arm over you and lets his hand rest on your arm.

You both act like nothing happened and you continue helping him with his homework.

He doesn't want to move so you remain undisturbed. But it gets a little difficult. He just finds it cute, plus you're very warm.


You and Draco were staying up a little later to study. You let out a yawn and fall against him. You grab his arm and move it around you to make yourself more comfortable.

"Alright, darling." He says, looking at you with a smirk.

He readjusted himself to maximize your comfort.

His fingers dance on your arm as he studies.

He softly sings under his breath, enjoying the feeling of having you so close and occasionally places a kiss on your temple. He sneaks glances at you from the corner of his eyes.

He'll never pass up the opportunity to cuddle if there aren't many people around.


Cedric is staying up late to study so you stay up to keep him company. You eventually get tired and board, so you pick up his arm and lean against his shoulder, firmly placing his hand on your arm. He looks over at you with a grin.

"Yeah baby?"

You nod. He cuddles you closer to him and kisses your hair. He continues his studying but rubs your arm as he does it. He thinks you're absolutely adorable. He tries not to disturb you at all with his movements. He kisses your head between pages.


You and Neville decided to stay up late to study and you randomly lean against him, dropping his arm over your shoulders.

"All you had to say was you wanted cuddles." He says softly, looking at you with a smile.

He pulls you closer and refuses to move a single muscle. He's really nervous he's gonna end up moving and disturb you so he completely stops everything to ensure you remain comfortable.

He softly traces your skin with his fingers. He looks at you out of the corner of his eyes every once in a while to admire you.


You had finished studying at least an hour ago but decided to stay up with George because he wasn't done yet.

You pick up his arm and wrap it around your shoulders.

He was busy focusing so he just let out a content hum and squeezes you closer. He lazily rubs circles on your arm.

The room is so warm and quiet you end up falling asleep against him. He doesn't notice at first but when he does he leaves a light kiss on your forehead. He stares at you and smiles at how adorable you are. He makes sure to move carefully so he doesn't wake you.


You and Fred had to stay up really late for homework because you spent the whole day prostrating.

"Do we have to finish?" Fred whined.

"Yes!! It's due tomorrow!"

You finish first and decide to hoist Fred's arm around your shoulders so you can lean on him.

His lips curl up into a smirk and he rubs your arm, kissing the top of your head.

You snuggle closer to him and let out a yawn.

"Tired are we, love?"


He thinks this is adorable, however he thinks it's fun to annoy you by constantly booping your nose, readjusting himself and tickling your arm on purpose. He laughs when you tell him to stop. No chance he'll let you relax.


If there's something Oliver cares about just as much as Quidditch, it's his grades. He was very adamant about keeping his grades up and expected you to do the same.

He was trying to study but you were bored so you tried getting him to pay attention to you.

"Y/N, come on, stop fooling around."

You let out an exaggerated sigh.

You decided to pick up Oliver's arm and place it around you so you can lean on him.

"What are you doing? I'm trying to study!"

You just snuggle closer in response and Oliver just lets out a defeated sigh.

"Ok look, you can stay like that for just a little bit, then you have to get back to studying. Alright?"


He just shook his head and continued studying.

He actually really enjoys your warmth and forgets the deal. He quietly hums to himself while rubbing circles on your arm.


You were in the library and it's pretty late. You're tired so you lean against him, moving his arm, and dropping it around you.

"Excuse me." He says, giving you an odd look.

"Shh, I'm tired."

He scoffs. But when he looks down at you nuzzling up to him, even though he'd never admit it, he thinks you're peaceful look is cute.

"Fine." He mumbles very quietly.

He's embarrassed and repulsed by the fact he actually likes this. He continues to study and pretends you're not there. But he doesn't even realize he's lightly rubbing circles on your arm.

Although he tried to hold out he nudged you off after a while.

Hp characters x fem reader Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon