Chapter 13

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You get harassed


He was walking out of class and strolling along the hall when he heard a shout. He furrows his brows because he recognizes your voice. As he turns the corner he sees you being trapped against the wall by some guy. He acts right away


He hangs the guy in the air and shouts at him, bubbling with anger.

"Don't. Touch. Her."

He only lets the guy down when he promises to leave you alone. He watches him scatter then tends to you and asks if you're alright and walks you to your next class.

"If you have any problems let me know."

He might even ask June to watch after you for him.


He walks into the hall to see you being trapped against the wall by some guy. He runs as fast as he can over to you and immediately throws the guy off you.

"WHAT THE BLOODY HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" He shouts in the guy's face, not even realizing he's making smoke come out of the tip of his wand as he points it at the guy.

"If you know what's good for you you better start running right now."

He stands there for a moment, trying to calm down then he finally turns to you.

"I can't believe that bloke..... you okay?"

He puts a hand on your back and ushers you off with him.


He was walking down the hall with Rio and Crabbe and Goyle behind them. He almost walks right by but stops in his tracks, whips his head around and sees some guy trapping you against the wall. He drops any books he's holding and charges over there.


He's seeing red, blinded by rage.

He hexes him at once while his back is turned before he even reaches you.

"You pathetic peice of scum what the fuck is wrong with you?!"

He's the type to be so angry and protective he nearly forgets you're right there, just focused on making this guy pay. If the guy tries to say ANYTHING Draco will adjust his rings and punch him square in the face. He spits on him. When he decides the guy got the message he quickly grabs you and doesn't look at you until he pulls you somewhere private and his cold hard face softens and melts. He's fussing over you, wanting to make sure you're really ok now.


He was walking down the hall with Dahlia. He was listening to her ramble when he saw you trapped against the wall by some guy.

He politely asked her to hold on for a minute.


He rushes over and grabs the guy off you.

"Dude come on!" The guy says.

He looks at him in disbelief.

"I'm giving you five seconds to get out of here."

When the guy runs away he turns his focus to you. He looks at you with concerned and soft eyes.

"Are you alright? Did he-"

He shakes his head.

"Come on."

He takes you to the prefect bathroom to calm you down and both him and Dahlia make sure you're ok.


He's strolling down the hall when he sees you trapped against the wall by some guy. He gasps and looks around to see if anyone else is witnessing this or if there are any professors are nearby. When he realizes he's the only one he gulps and approaches carefully. He points his wand from a distance and stutters out a hex. The guy turns and laughs so Neville does it again but more confidently. He's proud of himself when it works.

"Yeah! How do you like that?! That'll teach ya!" He shouts at the guy on the ground.

He looks up at you and his face instantly falls to more worried as he asks if you're ok. He brings you to your/the common room, makes you a special tea and tries to make you feel better.


He was looking for you right after he walked out of class. He just had a feeling something was wrong. He pulls out the map and tracks your footsteps to see where you are and sees some random guys name by you. He's practically sprinting to you and he doesn't stop running when he sees you being trapped against the wall with the random guy smirking. He completely forgets he has a wand and grabs the guy by the shoulders and whips him around to break his names.

"What the fuck man-" The guy shouts holding his bleeding nose.

"Y/N, are you ok?"

He completely ignores the guy and refuses to give him the time of day and instead focuses completely on you. He's trying to ask you questions and comfort you but the guy kept trying to start something.

"Ok Y/N you might wanna go over there for me while I handle this bloke,"

He tells you softly, only wanting to be gentle in front on you but the second he turns around and faces the guy it's game over. He's pissed and brawling this guy. Afterward he hops over to you like nothing happened even though he lip is bleeding.

"Oh don't worry about me. Let's focus on you, darling. Are you ok?"

He puts a finger on your chin to lift your head up so he can examine you.


He was coming to find you to ask if you wanted to join in on a prank. He sees you around the corner and calls out for you

"Oh hey Y/N!- wait."

He stops in his tracks and rubs his eyes to check what he's seeing. He's in disbelief that some bloke has the audacity to trap you against the wall.

"Oh you're asking for it." He mutters as he forcibly yanks the guy away from you.

"Uh whatcha up to there buddy?"

The guy completely denies what was going on.

"Oh really? Because it seems to me you really want me to kick your ass."

The guy runs off before anything gets physical. Fred just tries to cheer you up and doesn't know if you wanna talk about it. He pretends it didn't happen but every time he sees this guy he makes him trip while he walking or makes him choke on his food or just something to mess with him.


During the celebration of a win he searching the room for you. He found you standing in a corner looking uncomfortable because a guy wasn't giving you enough space. He comes right over and does a fake cough.

"What do we got goin on over here?"

He just inserts himself in between you and the guy and tries to annoy him. He's doing his best not to embarrass you or make a scene.

The guy rolls his eyes and leaves then Oliver leans close to you and whispers "Are you ok?"


He's walking down the hall when he sees you trapped against the wall. Sneering as his eyes burn into the back of the guy's head. He marches right up to you and wickedly grins before tapping the guy on the shoulder.

"Crucio." He says so casually and laughs at the guy screaming in pain.

He only stops when you beg and beg him to.

"You should be grateful. You're welcome."

He rolls his eyes at your ungratefulness.

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