Chapter 30

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Celebrating New Years with you


He wants to relax and have a lazy day before a whole new year full of inevitable chaos starts. You two steal food from downstairs and bring it back up to his room. You both spend the whole day in bed while talking and you don't go downstairs until it gets closer to midnight. You grab some Butterbeer and join in on the countdown.


Harry (obvi) doesn't know you're supposed to kiss so he's caught off guard when you grab his face and kiss him. He blinks and looks around, embarrassed.


He starts to smile. He could definitely get used to that.


He (of course) spends the day eating and continuously offers you food even when you tell him you're full. He doesn't see this holiday as a big deal.

"Nothing changes, who cares." He mutters.

You both just chill out in his room all day. But when the last hour hits he takes you downstairs to drink butterbeer. Snakes his hand around your waist when you sit down on the couch. He literally shouts the countdown and almost forgets about the midnight countdown until you slam your lips against his.

"Blimey, how did I almost miss that?"

He kisses you again to make up for it. He told the twins to shut up when they awed.


Of course his family throws a very classy New Years party. You dress up nicely and stare at yourself in the mirror. Draco comes over to fix his tie.

"Beautiful." He whispers to you and kisses your cheek.

He takes your hand and leads you downstairs. House elves are walking around serving appetizers and champagne, loud jazz music is playing and there's so many important people. You're very nervous but of course Draco's been coached for this. He knows to keep his head down and only introduce himself when needed. You just stay in a corner, talking and take food off of platters as they walk by. Draco decides it's boring so he takes your hand and sneaks to the balcony in the library. You both lean on the rail overlooking the garden and he opens up to you more.

"I've never had someone to kiss at midnight. I'm so glad it's you." He whispers.

You can hear the adults counting down and Draco kisses you passionately. He rests his forehead against yours.

"You're my everything."


Everyone chips in to cook again and the four of you go to the store to buy New Years props because Amos loves them. Once back Amos prepares drinks and all of you take a shot every time someone swears. (Except Dahlia, she's too young) Which Amos does a lot by accident. You all sit on the hill and watch the fireworks from the Weasley's go off. You go back inside for the countdown and Cedric cups your face and deeply kisses you at midnight. He's a little drunk so he forgets his dad and sister were right there but neither of them care, Amos just cheers and winks while Dahlia fake gags.


You, Neville, Leslie and Gran spend the day making a bunch of food giving you the opportunity to learn Neville is an amazing cook. Him, Leslie ,and Gran tell you stories while y'all eat and you learn so much about Neville and his family. Then you four sit in front of the TV and watch the parties. You both perk up when it gets close to the countdown. He hugs you from behind as you yell the count down. The second it hits midnight you turn around and plant a kiss on his lips, making his ears turn red and Gran laughs. Leslie makes fun of his flustered state.

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