Chapter 18

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Someone makes a rude comment about your relationship


You and Harry are walking hand and hand in the courtyard. All of a sudden Draco comes up and snorts at the sight of you two.

"Come on, Y/N, You can do better than Pottah. Better than someone who faints-"

Harry looks at him with utter hatred and you scoff.

"Don't even start, Malfoy. Harry is ten times braver and stronger-"

"Of course that's what you think. You know, you two do make a nice couple- both arrogant, obsessed with glory-"

"Say another word, I dare you!" Harry suddenly shouts as he drops your hand and charges at Draco, wand nearly jabbing his chest.

Draco looks at him terrified. Harry is fuming.

"Come on, Malfoy, you just had so much to say! Let's hear more!" Harry taunts.

Draco shakes his head.

"That's what I thought. And I'll let you know Y/N and I DO make a nice couple. You're probably just jealous you can't get a powerful and beautiful witch like her."

He glares one last time then turns back to you, grabs your hand and continues like nothing happend.

He'll angrily rant to June and Ron about it later.


You're in the common room sitting together by yourselves when Seamus comes over.

"Wait so it's true? You two are like actually dating?"

You both nod and Seamus chuckles.

"No offense it's just....... I don't see it."

"Hey man!" Ron immediately says, standing up and squaring up to him.

"No one cares about your bloody opinion."

He's all up in Seamus' face. That actually really hurt him but he won't show it.

"Calm down mate." Seamus mutters and walks away.

Ron sits back down and remains quiet.

"I think we're great," he eventually mutters.

You reassure him that you think the same.

"Then to hell what everyone else thinks! I only care about what we think."

It takes a while for him to actually calm down though.


Pansy (of course) is disrespecting your relationship. She's talking shit in the Great Hall with the other slytherins and doesn't notice you and Draco come over.

"I don't get it. He shouldn't be with a freak like her. I mean seriously what would his father say? It's just so......-"

"So what?" Draco snaps, coming up behind her as he grips your hand tightly.

Everyone turns to him and gasps.

"I'll let you lot know this relationship is none of your business. And Pansy, if I ever hear Y/N's name come out of your mouth I will not hesitate to hex your mouth shut."

He glares at everyone.


He nods curtly and adjusts his robes. He sits down and ushers you to do the same. He'll only pay attention to you the whole time since he's mad at his friends and he'll lowkey think about the comment of his dad for a while.

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